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1964 c.3

52.(1) If, at any time when by virtue of this Act the enforcement by the owner
under a hire-purchase agreement, or by the seller under a
conditional sale agreement, of a right to recover possession of goods from the
hirer or buyer is subject to any restriction, the hirer or buyer refuses to
give up possession of the goods to the owner or seller, the hirer or buyer
shall not, by reason only of the refusal, be liable to the owner or seller for
conversion of the goods.

(2) If, at any time when the circumstances specified in paragraph 1 or
paragraph 2 of Schedule 3 exist and the goods are protected goods,
the person in possession (as therein defined) refuses to give up possession of
the goods to the owner or seller, the person in possession shall not, by
reason only of the refusal, be liable to the owner or seller for conversion of
the goods.

(3) In this section "protected goods" has the same meaning as in Part III.

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