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British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Access to Freely Available British and Irish Public Legal Information - DONATE to keep BAILII running - Major Donors

Welcome to BAILII, based at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, where you can find British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. BAILII thanks The Scottish Council of Law Reporting for their assistance in establishing the Historic Scottish Law Reports project. BAILII also thanks Sentral for provision of servers and Bytemark for provision of hosting services. For more information, see About BAILII.

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BAILII OpenLaw - Leading Cases by Subject

BAILII Sir Henry Brooke Lectures

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BAILII beta page design
See the beta version of a new BAILII home page.

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Sir Henry Brooke Lecture, Thursday 20 March 2025 at 18:00 (GMT)
The Trustees of BAILII are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the Sir Henry Brooke Lecture 2025, which will be a hybrid event. This year's lecture is entitled 'Valuing Lawyers', and will be given by The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill. The Trustees are very grateful to Herbert Smith Freehills LLP for hosting in-person attendees at their London offices (Exchange House, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2EG)."

[NEW] Judgments on Bluesky
Follow on Bluesky to stay up to date with BAILII's [NEW] judgment posts. Hashtags on Bluesky make it easy to quickly see BAILII posts for a particular court/tribunal. BAILII [NEW] judgment feeds are also available on X (@bailii) and Mastodon (

BAILII is committed to providing free access to the law for all. We rely on donations to fund the very modest costs of maintaining and extending our free-to-access databases of legal information. If you value access to justice and/or you use BAILII, please donate today:
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Sir Henry Brooke Lecture Video
A video of the 2024 Sir Henry Brooke Lecture, 'The State of the World', given by Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws LT KC FRSA FRSE on 21 November 2024 is now available on BAILII.

Quick Guide to BAILII
The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies compiled a Quick Guide to BAILII.

Most-downloaded judgments
To help users stay up-to-date, BAILII now has a summary listing of the judgments viewed most often in the last week.

Did you know?
The regular plural and singular form of words in a search are automatically matched. (more info)

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