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Temporary increase of Civil Contingencies Fund.

23.(1) Where ... it appears to the Ministry expedient so to do the Ministry
may borrow such sums as may from time to time be required for the purpose of
increasing temporarily the capital of the Civil Contingencies Fund beyond the
amount fixed by sub-section (2) of the preceding section as from time to time
amended by any subsequent enactment:

Provided that

(a)any sums so borrowed shall be repaid by the Civil Contingencies Fund at
such times and in such manner as the Ministry may direct, ...

Para.(b) rep. by 1974 NI 4 art.6 sch.3

(2) The power of borrowing conferred on the Ministry by this section may be
exercised in either of the following ways

(a)by making an advance to the Civil Contingencies Fund out of the
Consolidated Fund, and the Ministry may borrow money for the purpose of
issuing such advances; or

(b)by obtaining a loan to the Civil Contingencies Fund from the Exchequer Bank
or from such other banks or persons and on such conditions as the Ministry may

(3) The interest, if any, on sums borrowed by the Civil Contingencies Fund
under this section, and so far as that Fund may not be sufficient, the
repayment of the principal of sums so borrowed, shall be charged on and issued
out of the Consolidated Fund.

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