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Civil Contingencies Fund.

22.(1) Subject to the provisions of this and the next two succeeding sections
the fund known as the Civil Contingencies Fund shall be held by the Ministry
for the purpose of providing funds for making advances in respect of urgent
services in anticipation of the provision made or to be made by Parliament
becoming available, or for making advances in anticipation of the realisation
of receipts in connection with any services for which provision is so made or
to be made, or for making advances to any Government department for the
provision of working cash balances in connection with any services.

(2) The Civil Contingencies Fund shall, subject to the provisions of the next
succeeding section, have a fixed capital of [seven hundred and fifty thousand
pounds] which, for the purposes of this or any other enactment, shall be
deemed to have been charged on and issued out of the Consolidated Fund.

(3) The Ministry may, in such manner as it may from time to time determine,
invest moneys standing to the credit of the Civil Contingencies Fund, and
subject to any provision made by the Ministry by virtue of sub-section (1) of
section twenty-nine of this Act, any interest or profit arising on such
investments shall be paid into the [Reserve Fund].

(4) The Civil Contingencies Fund shall, to such extent as the Ministry thinks
necessary, be made available as additional security for the repayment of any
moneys borrowed on the security of the Consolidated Fund for any capital
purpose authorised by Parliament.

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