Made | 9th March 2004 | ||
Laid before the House of Commons | 10th March 2004 | ||
Coming into force | 1st April 2004 |
1. | Citation and commencement |
2. | Interpretation |
3. | Corresponding UK Claims - Duties and Taxes |
4. | Requests for information |
5. | Requests for notification of instruments |
6. | Requests for recovery or precautionary measures |
7. | Transfer of sums recovered |
8. | Contested recovery |
9. | Notice of inability to take action or proceedings upon a request for recovery of contested claims |
10. | Notice of action contesting recovery |
11. | Reimbursement of sums recovered and compensation |
12. | Reimbursement arrangements |
13. | Notice of cancellation or payment of a claim |
14. | Adjustment of a foreign claim |
15. | Minimum amount on requests for assistance |
16. | Limitation on requests for assistance |
17. | Acceptance and transmission of communications |
18. | Communication of documents and information |
19. | Language requirements |
20. | Limitation |
21. | Notice of refusal of requests for assistance |
22. | Adaptations |
23. | Interest enforced by the Board |
24. | Interest enforced by the Commissioners |
25. | Evidence |
26. | Enforcement in Scotland |
SCHEDULE 1 | Corresponding claims |
SCHEDULE 2 | Adaptations |
(q) "import duties" has the same meaning as in Article 3 of the Mutual Assistance Recovery Directive;
(r) "precautionary measures" means measures taken, or to be taken, in order to secure recovery of a foreign claim;
(s) "request for assistance" means a request for information, notification, recovery or precautionary measures within the meaning of the Mutual Assistance Recovery Directive.
(3) The relevant UK authority shall acknowledge receipt of a request for information in writing not later than seven days from the date of such receipt and as appropriate request the applicant authority to provide any additional information necessary to execute the request.
(4) The relevant UK authority shall, not later than six months from the date of acknowledgement of the request, report to the applicant authority the outcome of the investigations which it has conducted in order to obtain the information requested.
(5) The relevant UK authority shall, within a reasonable period following the date upon which that information was obtained, transmit to the applicant authority the information obtained in accordance with the request.
(6) The relevant UK authority shall not be obliged to supply information where -
(7) An applicant authority may in writing at any time withdraw a request made under this regulation.
Requests for notification of instruments
- (1) A request for notification of an instrument shall -
(2) A request for notification shall relate to a person specified in regulation 4(2).
(3) The relevant UK authority shall -
(4) The relevant UK authority may request additional information from the applicant authority for the purposes of effecting notification.
(5) For the purposes of this regulation "instrument" means any document or decision including those of a judicial nature which emanate from the member State in which the applicant authority is situated and which relate to a foreign claim.
Requests for recovery or precautionary measures
- (1) A request for recovery or precautionary measures shall -
(2) The amount of the foreign claim stated in the request shall be stated in UK sterling and the currency of the member State in which the applicant authority is situated using the exchange rate specified in regulation 15(2).
(3) The relevant UK authority shall -
(b) where it does not take any enforcement action on a request within three months of receipt, not later than seven days from the end of that period inform the applicant authority in writing of the grounds for its failure to comply with the time limit;
(c) within a reasonable time having regard to the particular case, where all or part of the foreign claim cannot be recovered or precautionary measures cannot be taken, so inform the applicant authority, indicating the reasons therefor;
(d) no later than at the end of each six month period following the date of acknowledgement of receipt of the request, inform the applicant authority in writing of the status or outcome of any enforcement action;
(e) continue, save where prevented by paragraph 4 of Schedule 39 to the Act, any enforcement action or precautionary measures where a request to do so is made by the applicant authority not later than two months from the date of receipt of the notification of the outcome of that action and such request shall be subject to the provisions in these Regulations which applied to the initial request;
(f) inform the applicant authority immediately any enforcement action has been taken on a request.
(4) For the purpose of this regulation and regulations 8 to 17 and regulations 20 to 26 a single instrument permitting enforcement which covers more than one foreign claim against a person shall be deemed to constitute a single claim.
(5) A relevant UK authority shall consult the applicant authority where in recovering a foreign claim it intends to allow the debtor time to pay by arrangement or to make payment by instalments (whether or not interest is charged or to be charged on those arrangements).
(6) Except where an enactment or rule of law applicable to a corresponding UK claim requires otherwise, a relevant UK authority shall not be obliged to recover a foreign claim where to do so would, because of the situation of the debtor, create serious economic or social difficulties in the United Kingdom.
Transfer of sums recovered
- (1) Subject to paragraph (3) the relevant UK authority shall transfer in UK sterling to the applicant authority any sum recovered in respect of a foreign claim not later than one month from the date upon which recovery was effected.
(2) For the purposes of this regulation "sum" shall include any interest including interest charged in the UK.
(3) The relevant UK authority and the applicant authority may agree different arrangements for the transfer of an amount where that amount is less than 1500 Euro.
(4) For the purpose of satisfying a request for recovery any sum recovered shall be deemed to have been recovered in proportion to the foreign claim as expressed in UK sterling.
Contested recovery
- (1) Any enactment permitting proceedings for the recovery of or precautionary measures in relation to a corresponding UK claim shall apply to a foreign claim which is contested.
(2) This regulation shall not apply to agricultural levies of the European Community.
Notice of inability to take action or proceedings upon a request for recovery of a contested claim
- Where, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Schedule 39 to the Act, the relevant UK authority is not permitted to take action for recovery or for a precautionary measure it shall, in writing, advise the competent authority of the reasons within one month of the receipt of the notification by the applicant authority that the foreign claim or instrument permitting enforcement is contested.
Notice of action contesting recovery
- The relevant UK authority shall notify the applicant authority in writing of any notice of commencement of action in the UK by a person specified in regulation 4(2) for reimbursement of sums recovered or for compensation in relation to recovery of a contested claim.
Reimbursement of sums recovered and compensation
- Where the result of contesting a foreign claim or instrument permitting enforcement is favourable to the debtor, the applicant authority shall be liable for the reimbursement of any sums recovered, together with any compensation due, in accordance with any law in force in the relevant part of the UK applicable to the corresponding UK claim.
Reimbursement arrangements
- Where recovery of a foreign claim poses a specific problem, entails a very large amount in costs or relates to the fight against organised crime the relevant UK authority and the applicant authority may agree reimbursement arrangements specific to the case in question.
Notice of cancellation or payment of a claim
- Where the relevant UK authority undertakes enforcement action or precautionary measures in relation to that foreign claim it shall, upon receipt of notice in writing from the applicant authority as to -
cease any enforcement action or precautionary measures in relation to that claim.
Adjustment of a foreign claim
- (1) This regulation applies where the amount of a foreign claim is amended for any reason.
(2) Where the amendment leads to a reduction in the amount of the foreign claim -
(3) Where the amendment leads to an increase in the amount of the foreign claim -
Minimum amount on requests for assistance
- (1) A request for assistance shall not be entertained if the foreign claim (whether a single claim or a consolidated claim) is less than 1500 Euro or the sterling equivalent at the time of request.
(2) The rate of exchange to be used for the purposes of these regulations shall be the latest selling rate recorded on the most representative exchange market or markets of the member State in which the applicant authority is situated on the date when the request for assistance is signed.
Limitation on requests for assistance
- (1) The relevant UK authority shall not be obliged to entertain a request for assistance if the foreign claim is more than five years old.
(2) The point for commencement and calculation of a period of five years shall be -
Acceptance and transmission of communications
- (1) The relevant UK authority shall, as far as possible, accept and transmit all information required to be communicated in writing for the purposes of the Mutual Assistance Recovery Directive by electronic means.
(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to requests for assistance made in accordance with regulations 5 and 6 and the instrument accompanying those requests unless the relevant UK authority and the applicant authority agree to waive paper communication.
Communication of documents and information
- Documents and information sent to the relevant UK authority pursuant to the Mutual Assistance Recovery Directive may only be communicated by that authority to -
Language requirements
- (1) Save as otherwise agreed by the relevant UK authority, requests for assistance, the instrument permitting enforcement, and any other relevant document addressed to that authority shall be accompanied by a translation of that document in the English language.
(2) All information and particulars communicated to an applicant authority by the relevant UK authority in relation to a request for assistance shall be conveyed in the English language or such other language as is agreed by that authority with the applicant authority.
- (1) The period of limitation or prescription in relation to any issue arising on the recovery of any foreign claim shall be that applicable under the laws in force in the member State in which the applicant authority is situated.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1) any step or act taken by the relevant UK authority in recovery of a foreign claim in pursuance of a request for assistance shall be deemed to have been taken in the member State in which the applicant authority is situated where that step or act would, if it had been taken by that applicant authority, have had the effect of suspending or interrupting the period of limitation or prescription in accordance with the laws in force in that member State.
Notice of refusal of requests for assistance
- (1) Where in accordance with the Mutual Assistance Recovery Directive and the Directive or these Regulations the relevant UK authority decides not to act upon a request for assistance it shall, as soon as practicable after making its decision to refuse a request and any event within three months of the date of acknowledgement of receipt of the request, notify the applicant authority in writing of the reasons for refusal.
(2) In the cases mentioned in regulations 6(6) and 16 a copy of the reasons for refusal shall also be communicated to the Commission within the period specified in paragraph (1).
(3) Paragraph (1) above applies even if the date of recognition is a non-business day within the meaning of section 92 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882[7].
(4) Interest is payable under this regulation without any deduction of income tax.
(5) For the purposes of this regulation, where -
(b) the cheque is paid on its first presentation to the banker on whom it is drawn;
the payment shall be treated as made on the day on which the cheque was received by the officer or the Board or the applicant authority.
(6) Interest payable under this regulation shall be recoverable as if it were interest charged under a provision of the Taxes Management Act 1970[8].
Interest enforced by the Commissioners
- (1) A foreign claim corresponding to any UK claim -
shall carry interest in respect of the principal and any penalty claimed at the rate applicable to the corresponding UK claim under section 197 of the Finance Act 1996[9] from the date of recognition until payment.
(2) In this regulation "the date of recognition" means the earlier of -
(3) Paragraph (1) above applies even if the date of recognition is a non-business day within the meaning of section 92 of the Bills of Exchange Act 1882.
(4) Interest is payable under this regulation without any deduction of income tax.
(5) For the purposes of this regulation, where -
(b) the cheque is paid on its first presentation to the banker on whom it is drawn,
the payment shall be treated as made on the day on which the cheque was received by the officer or the Commissioners or the applicant authority.
(6) Interest payable under this regulation shall be notified in writing to the person subject to enforcement action in respect of the foreign claim and may be recovered from that person as a debt due to the Crown.
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Foreign Claim |
Corresponding UK Claim |
Import duties and export duties charged, in any member State other than the United Kingdom | Import and export duties charged in the United Kingdom |
Value added tax (howsoever described) charged in any member State other than the United Kingdom in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 77/388/EEC[10] | Value added tax charged, in the United Kingdom in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act 1994[11] |
Excise duties (howsoever described) charged in any member State other than the United Kingdom upon, - manufactured tobacco, - alcohol and alcoholic beverages, - mineral oils |
Excise duty charged, collected or enforced in the United Kingdom in accordance with the Tobacco Products Duty Act 1979[12], or the Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979[13], or the Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979[14], upon the items described in column 1 |
Column 1 1. Foreign Claim |
Column 2 2. Corresponding UK Claim |
EU Country | Taxes listed in the Mutual Assistance Directive.77/799/EEC[15], as amended | English Translation | |
Austria |
Einkommensteuer Koerperschaftsteuer Grundsteuer Bodenwertabgabe Abgabe von land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Betrieben Versicherungssteuer Feuerschutzsteuer |
Income Tax Corporation tax Real Estate Tax Land value levy Levy on agricultural and forestry enterprises Insurance Tax Fire insurance tax |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax CGT CGT Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Belgium |
Impôt des personnes physiques/Personenbelasting Impôt des sociétés/Vennootschapsbelasting Impôt des personnes morales/Rechtspersonenbelasting Impôt des non-résidents/Belasting der niet-verblijfhouders Taxe annuelle sur les contrats d'assurance/ Jaarlijkse tax op deverzekeringscontracten |
Personal income tax Corporation tax Tax on legal persons Tax on non-residents Annual tax on insurance contracts |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Income Tax Income Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Denmark |
Indkomstskat til staten Selskabsskat Den kommunale indkomstskat Den amtskommunale indkomstskat Folkepensionsbidragene Soemandsskat Den saerlige indkomstskat Kirkeskat Formueskat til staten Bidrag til dagpengefonden Afgit af lystfartojsforsikringer Afgift af ansvarsforsikringer for motorkoretojer m.v. Stempelafgift af forsikringspraemier |
State income tax Corporation tax Municipal income tax County income tax Pensions contribution Seamen's tax Special income tax Church tax State wealth tax Contributions to the sickness per diem fund Pleasure craft insurance tax Tax on motor vehicle compulsory insurance Stamp duty on insurance premiums |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Capital Gains Tax Income Tax Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Finland |
Valtion tuloverot/de statliga inkomstskatterna Yhteisoejen tulovero/inkomstskatten foer samfund Kunnallisvero/kommunalskatten Kirkollisvero/kyrkoskatten Kansanelaekevakuutusmaksu/fol kpensionsfoersaekringspremien Sairausvakuutusmaksu/sjukfoers aekringspremien Korkotulon laehdevero/kaellskatten paa raenteinkomst Rajoitetusti verovelvollisen laehdevero/kaellskatten foer begraensat skattskyldig Valtion varallisuusvero/den statliga foermoengenhetsskatten Kiinteistoevero/fastighetsskatten Eraista vakuutsmaksuista suoritettava Vero/skat pa vissa forsakringspremier Palosuojelumaksu/brandskyddav gift |
State income taxes on earned income Corporate income tax Communal tax on earned income Church tax Pensions insurance premiums Health insurance premium Withholding tax at source on interest Non-resident net wealth tax Net wealth tax Real property tax Tax on certain insurance premiums Fire insurance tax |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Capital Gains Tax Capital Gains Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
France |
Impôt sur le revenue Impôt sur les sociétés Taxe professionnelle Taxe foncière sur les propriétés bâties Taxe foncière sur les propriétés non bâties Taxe sur les conventions d'assurances |
Personal income tax Corporation tax Business tax Property tax on land and buildings Property tax on land without buildings Tax on insurance agreements |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Germany |
Einkommensteuer Koerperschaftsteuer Vermoegensteuer Gewerbesteuer Grundsteuer Versicherungssteuer Feuerschutzsteuer |
Income tax Corporation tax Wealth tax Tax on industry and trade Real estate tax Insurance Tax Fire insurance tax |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premuium Tax |
Greece |
Φóρος εισοδηµατος φνσικωυ προσωπωυ Φορος εισοδηµατος υοµικωυ προσωπωυ Φορος ακιυητου περιουσιας Φορος κυκλου εργασιωυ (Φ.Κ.Ε) Τελη Χαρτοσηµου" |
Personal income tax Corporate income tax Real estate tax Tax on the business cycle Stamp taxes |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Ireland |
Income tax Corporation tax Capital gains tax Wealth tax Levy on insurance premiums |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Capital GainTax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Italy |
Imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche Imposta sul reddito delle persone giuridiche Imposta locale sui redditi Imposte sulle assicurazioni private ed I contratti vitalazi di cui alla legge 29.10.67 no 1216 |
Personal income tax Tax on income of corporations Local income tax Tax on private insurance and life annuity contracts as covered by law No 1216 of 29.10.67 |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Income Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Luxembourg |
Impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques Impôt sur le revenu des collectivités Impôt commercial communal Impôt sur la fortune Impôt foncier Impôt sur les assurances Impôts dans l'interet du service d'incendie |
Personal income tax Corporation tax Communal trade tax Wealth tax Tax on land and buildings Insurance tax Taxes levied in the interest of the fire service |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Netherlands |
Inkomstenbelasting Vennootschapsbelasting Vermogensbelasting Assurantiebelasting |
Personal income tax Corporation tax Wealth tax Insurance tax |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Portugal |
Contribuicçço predial Imposto sobre a indústria agrícola Contribuicçço industrial Imposto de capitais Imposto profissional Imposto complementar Imposto de mais-valias Imposto sobre o rendimento do petróleo Os adicionais devidos sobre os impostos precedentes Imposto sobre o rendimento das pessoas singulars Imposto de selo sobre os premios de seguros |
Real estate tax Agricultural tax Industrial tax Withholding tax Income Tax Complementary tax Capital gains tax Petroleum revenue tax Surcharges on the above taxes Personal income tax Stamp duty on insurance premiums |
Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Insurance premium Tax |
Spain |
Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas Impuesto sobre Sociedades Impuesto Extraordinario sobre el Patrimonio de las Personas Físicas Impuesto sobre la prima de seguros |
Personal income tax Corporation tax Wealth tax Insurance premium tax |
Income Tax Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Insurance Premium Tax |
Sweden |
Den statliga inkomstskatten Sjoemansskatten Kupongskatten Den saerskilda inkomstskatten foer utomlands bosatta Den saerskilda inkomstskatten foer utomlands bosatta artister m.fl. Den statliga fastighetsskatten Den kommunala inkomstskatten Foermoegenhetsskatten |
National income tax Seamen's tax Coupon (dividend) tax Income tax on non-residents Income tax on non-resident artistes and others National real property tax Communal income tax Wealth tax |
Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Income Tax Capital Gains Tax Income Tax Capital Gains Tax |
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Foreign Claims |
Corresponding UK Claim |
Refunds, interventions and other measures forming part of the system of total or partial financing of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), including sums to be collected in connection with these actions charged, levied, collected or paid in any member State other than the United Kingdom. | Those items described in Column 1 charged, levied, collected or paid in the United Kingdom. |
Levies and other duties provided for under the common organisation of the market for the sugar sector charged in any member State other than the United Kingdom. | Those items described in Column 1 charged in the United Kingdom |
Interest, administrative penalties or fines incurred in any member State other than the United Kingdom relating to a foreign claim described in Column 1 of Parts 1 to 3 of this Schedule. | Such interest, administrative penalties or fines as is chargeable in the United Kingdom relating to a corresponding UK claim described in Column 2 of Parts 1 to 3 of this Schedule. |
Recovery of import duties interest
- (1) Subsections (2) to (4) and (6) to (8) of section 126 of the Finance Act 1999[16] shall not apply to duties interest.
(2) In its application to duties interest subsection (1) of section 126 shall apply as if the reference to determination and recovery of the amount of any interest charged in accordance with Article 232 of the Community Customs Code on arrears of customs duty payable to the Commissioners were a reference to the recovery by the Commissioners of an amount of duties interest for which a request has been made.
(3) For the purposes of its application to duties interest subsection (5) of section 126 shall apply as if;
Recovery of VAT interest
- (1) Subsections (1) to (8) and (10) and the expression "unless, or except to the extent that, the assessment is withdrawn or reduced" in subsection (9) of section 76 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994[17] shall not apply to VAT interest.
(2) In its application to VAT interest subsection (9) of section 76 shall apply as if the reference to an amount being assessed and notified to a persons under this section were a reference to an amount of VAT interest specified in a request concerning a person specified in regulation 4(2) of these Regulations in relation to whom a request is made.
Recovery of IPT interest
- (1) Sub-paragraphs (1) to (7) and (9) and the expression "unless or except to the extent that, the assessment is withdrawn or reduced" in sub-paragraph (8) of paragraph 25 of Schedule 7 to the Finance Act 1994[18] shall not apply to IPT interest.
(2) In its application to IPT interest sub-paragraph (8) of paragraph 25 shall apply as if the reference to an amount being assessed and notified to any person under this paragraph were a reference to an amount of IPT interest specified in a request concerning a person specified in regulation 4(2) of these Regulations in relation to whom a request is made.
Regulation 13 lays down detailed rules relating to cancelled claims and payment of claims.
Regulation 14 lays down detailed rules for procedures to follow when claims are adjusted.
Regulations 15 and 16 lay down detailed rules on the restrictions and limitations placed on requests for assistance.
Regulations 17, 18 and 19 make provision for how communications should take place and in what language they should be made.
Regulation 20 lays down rules relating to the period of limitation applicable to the recovery of foreign claims.
Regulation 21 makes provision for the period in which notice of refusal of request should be made.
Part 4
Regulation 22 and Schedule 2 and Regulations 23 and 24 make provision relating to the charging of interest on foreign claims.
Part 5
Regulation 25 lays down rules relating to the evidence required for the enforcement of corresponding claims.
Regulation 26 makes provision relating to enforcement in Scotland.
A full regulatory impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as it has no impact on the costs of business.
[2] Paragraph 2(2) specifies the body upon whom power to make the Regulations is conferred.back
[3] OJ L145, 13.6.77 p. 1.back
[4] OJ L331, 7.12.2002 p. 27.back
[5] OJ L337, 13.12.2002 p. 41.back
[7] 1882 c. 61 (45 & 46 Vict).back
[10] OJ L145, 13.6.77 p. 1.back
[11] 1994 c. 23 subsequent amendments are not relevant to this instrument.back
[12] 1979 c. 7 subsequent amendments are not relevant to this instrument.back
[13] 1979 c. 4 subsequent amendments are not relevant to this instrument.back
[14] 1979 c. 5 subsequent amendments are not relevant to this instrument.back
[15] OJ L336, 27.12.1997, p. 15.back