Made | 9th March 2004 | ||
Laid before Parliament | 10th March 2004 | ||
Coming into force | 1st April 2004 |
Appeals to the police appeals tribunal
- (1) A member of the force who is dismissed, required to resign or reduced in rank by a decision taken in proceedings under the Conduct Regulations may appeal to a Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal appointed under regulation 4 against the decision unless he has a right to apply to some other person for a review of the decision.
(2) If he has a right to apply to some other person for a review of the decision, he may appeal to a Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal from any decision of that other person as a result of which he is dismissed, required to resign or reduced in rank.
(3) Where a Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal allows an appeal made to it under paragraph (1) or (2), it may, if it considers that it is appropriate to do so, make an order dealing with the appellant in any way which- -
Appointment and composition of police appeals tribunal
- (1) The composition of the Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal differs according to -
(2) If the appellant was a senior officer immediately before the original hearing, the Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal is to consist of three members appointed by the Head of Civilian Management, of whom -
(3) The member of the tribunal within paragraph (2)(a) or (b) is to be the chairman.
(4) If the appellant was not a senior officer immediately before the original hearing, the Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal is to consist of four members appointed by the Head of Civilian Management, of whom -
(5) For the purposes of this regulation "original hearing" means the hearing as a result of which the decision appealed against was taken (whether the appeal relates to the decision taken by the officers conducting the hearing or by a reviewing officer who was reviewing such a decision).
(6) In this regulation "appropriate rank" means -
(7) If at any time that is relevant for the purposes of this regulation, the appellant was serving outside the United Kingdom on detached duty from a station in Great Britain, the appellant is to be treated for those purposes as if he were serving at that station at that time.
- (1) On an appeal by a senior officer the respondent is to be a person designated for the purpose by the Ministry of Defence Police Committee.
(2) On an appeal by any other member of the force the respondent is to be the chief constable.
Notice of appeal
- (1) Subject to regulation 8, an appeal may be instituted by giving notice of appeal within 21 days from the date on which the decision appealed against was notified to the appellant in writing in pursuance of the Conduct Regulations unless the case is a relevant criminal case.
(2) Subject to regulation 8, in a relevant criminal case an appeal is to be instituted by giving notice of appeal within 28 days from -
(3) In this regulation "relevant criminal case" means -
(4) The notice of appeal must be given in writing to the Head of Civilian Management and he must cause a copy of the notice to be sent to the respondent.
Procedure on notice of appeal
- (1) As soon as practicable after receiving a copy of the notice of appeal, the respondent must provide the Head of Civilian Management with -
(2) A copy of the transcript mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) must at the same time be sent to the appellant.
(3) Subject to regulation 8, the appellant must, within 28 days of the date on which he receives a copy of the transcript mentioned in paragraph (1)(b), submit to the Head of Civilian Management -
(4) But in a case where the appellant submits a statement under paragraph (3)(c)(ii), nothing in paragraph (3) prevents representations under regulation 9 being made by him to the chairman of the tribunal.
(5) The documents submitted to the Head of Civilian Management under paragraph (3) must, as soon as practicable, be copied to the members of the tribunal and to the respondent.
(6) Not later than 21 days from the date on which the respondent receives the copy documents sent to him under paragraph (5), he must submit to the Head of Civilian Management -
(d) the names and addresses of any witnesses he proposes to call to give evidence at the hearing and whose attendance he wishes the Head of Civilian Management to take steps to secure if a hearing of the appeal is to be held.
(7) But in a case where the respondent submits a statement under paragraph (6)(c)(ii), nothing in paragraph (6) prevents representations under regulation 9 being made by him to the chairman of the tribunal.
(8) At the same time as the respondent submits the documents referred to in paragraph (6), he must send a copy of the documents referred to in paragraph (6)(a) and (c) to the appellant, together with a list of the documents referred to in paragraph (6)(b) (if any).
(9) The documents submitted to the Head of Civilian Management under paragraph (6) must be copied to the members of the tribunal as soon as practicable.
(10) So far as applicable, regulations 10, 13 and 14 apply in relation to the hearing of any oral representations under regulation 9 as they apply in relation to the hearing of an appeal under regulation 3; and the appellant and the respondent are entitled to be represented at the hearing of such oral representations as if it were the hearing of such an appeal.
Extensions of time limits
- (1) The Head of Civilian Management may extend the period referred to in regulation 6(1) or (2) or 7(3) in any case where, on the application of the appellant, he is satisfied that by reason of the special circumstances of the case it is just to do so.
(2) Where the Head of Civilian Management refuses an application by the appellant under paragraph (1), he must give the appellant notice in writing of the reasons for his decision and of the right of appeal conferred by paragraph (3).
(3) An appellant whose application under paragraph (1) is refused may, not later than 14 days after receiving notice under paragraph (2), appeal in writing to the chairman of the tribunal against the decision of the Head of Civilian Management.
(4) The chairman may, on such an appeal, make any decision which the Head of Civilian Management had the power to make under paragraph (1).
(5) In a case where the period referred to in regulation 6(1) or (2) or 7(3) is extended under paragraph (1) or (4), regulations 6 and 7 have effect as if for that period there were substituted such extended period as the Head of Civilian Management or, as the case may be, the chairman may specify.
- (1) Subject to paragraph (2), a Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal may determine an appeal without a hearing.
(2) But a tribunal may not decide so to determine an appeal unless both the appellant and the respondent have been given an opportunity to make written or, if either so requests, oral representations, and any such representations have been considered.
(3) Where a hearing is held -
Procedure at hearing
- (1) Where a hearing is to be held, the Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal must cause the appellant and the respondent to be given notice of the date of the hearing not less than 28 days before the hearing begins or such shorter period before it as may be determined with the agreement of both parties.
(2) If the appellant or the respondent wishes any witness to attend the hearing, the tribunal must -
(3) If a witness is unable or unwilling to attend the hearing, the tribunal may adjourn the hearing if it thinks fit.
(4) The tribunal may -
(5) Subject to these regulations, the procedure at a hearing is to be determined by the tribunal.
Attendance of witnesses and production of documents
- (1) In relation to a hearing before a Ministry of Defence Police appeals tribunal at which any person is required to attend to give evidence or to produce documents in accordance with regulation 10, section 250(2) and (3) of the Local Government Act 1972[5] apply in England and Wales and section 210(4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973[6] apply in Scotland as if -
Withdrawal of appeals
The appellant may withdraw his appeal -
(b) with the leave of the tribunal chairman, at the hearing of the appeal.
Casting vote
Where there is an equality of voting among the members of a police appeals tribunal, the chairman has a second or casting vote.
Hearing to be in private
- (1) Subject to paragraph (2) and regulation 17, the hearing must be held in private.
(2) The police appeals tribunal may at its discretion allow such person or persons as it considers desirable to attend the whole or such part of the hearing as it may think fit.
(3) Notwithstanding that the police appeals tribunal has allowed a person to attend the hearing, if it appears to the tribunal that in giving evidence a witness may disclose information which in the public interest ought not to be disclosed to a member of the public, the police appeals tribunal must require any member of the public present to withdraw while that evidence is given.
Evidence at hearing
- (1) Unless the police appeals tribunal determines otherwise, the evidence adduced by the respondent must be given first.
(2) All oral evidence given at the hearing must be given on oath.
(3) All witnesses giving evidence at the hearing are subject to examination and cross-examination.
(4) Any question as to -
is to be determined by the police appeals tribunal.
(5) A verbatim record of the evidence given at the hearing must be taken and kept for a period of not less than seven years from the date of the end of the hearing, unless the chairman of the police appeals tribunal requests that a transcription of the record be made.
Statements in lieu of oral evidence
- (1) Subject to the provisions of this regulation, the police appeals tribunal may admit evidence by way of a written statement made by a person, notwithstanding that he may not be called as a witness, except that evidence is not admissible under this regulation if it would not have been admissible had it been given orally.
(2) For the purposes of this regulation, a written statement purporting to be made and signed by a person and witnessed by another person is presumed to have been made by that person unless the contrary is shown.
(3) Nothing in this regulation prejudices the admission of written evidence which would be admissible apart from the provisions of this regulation.
Attendance of complainant at hearing
- (1) This regulation applies in relation to a hearing where -
(2) The chairman of the police appeals tribunal must cause notice of the date of the hearing to be sent to the complainant at the same time as notice of it is sent to the appellant and the respondent under regulation 10(1).
(3) Notwithstanding anything in regulation 14(1), but subject to paragraphs (4) to (6) and (9) -
(4) Where the complainant is to be called as a witness at the hearing, he may not attend before he gives his evidence.
(5) Where any person allowed to accompany the complainant is to be called as a witness at the hearing, he may not attend -
(6) Where it appears to the police appeals tribunal that a witness may in giving evidence disclose information which in the public interest ought not to be disclosed to a member of the public, it must require the complainant and any person allowed to accompany him to withdraw while that evidence is given.
(7) Where the appellant gives evidence, then, after the person representing the respondent has had an opportunity of cross-examining him, the chairman of the police appeals tribunal -
(8) Subject to the previous provisions of this regulation, the complainant and any person allowed to accompany him must not intervene in or interrupt the hearing.
(9) If the complainant or such a person behaves in a disorderly or abusive manner, or otherwise misconducts himself, the chairman of the police appeals tribunal may exclude him from the remainder of the hearing.
Effect of orders
- (1) Where an appeal is allowed, the order made by the police appeals tribunal takes effect -
(2) Where the effect of the order made by the police appeals tribunal is to reinstate the appellant in the force or in his rank -
he is deemed to have served in the force or in his rank continuously from the date of the original decision to the date of his reinstatement.
(3) Where -
the determination or order must deal with the suspension.
Statement of tribunal's determination
- (1) The chairman of the police appeals tribunal must prepare a written statement of the tribunal's determination of the appeal and of the reasons for the decision.
(2) That statement and a record of any order made under regulation 3(3) must be submitted -
within a reasonable period after the determination of the appeal.
(3) The Ministry of Defence Police Committee must as soon as practicable send a copy of the statement and any record of an order submitted to it under paragraph (2) to the appellant and the respondent.
(4) In a case where the decision appealed against arose from a complaint, the Ministry of Defence Police Committee must notify -
of the outcome of the appeal.
Remuneration and expenses
Members of a police appeal tribunal are to be -
as the Secretary of State may determine.
- (1) An appellant must pay the whole of his own costs unless the police appeals tribunal directs that the whole or any part of them are to be met out of Ministry of Defence funds.
(2) Subject to paragraph (1), all the costs and expenses of an appeal under these regulations, including the costs of the respondent and any remuneration or expenses paid by virtue of regulation 20, are to be met out of Ministry of Defence funds.
Ivor Caplin
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Ministry of Defence
9th March 2004