Made | 26th June 2001 | ||
Laid before Parliament | 27th June 2001 | ||
Coming into force | 30th July 2001 |
(2) In determining for the purposes of any provision of these Regulations whether a charge or penalty charge has been paid before the end of a particular period, it shall be taken to be paid when it is received by the charging authority.
(3) Where the Authority is satisfied that there has been, or is likely to be, a failure on the part of the charging authorities to agree on the proportions in which the expenses recoverable by the Authority are to be defrayed under paragraph (2)(b), it may give the charging authorities such directions as it considers appropriate to require them to refer the matter to arbitration under that paragraph.
Procedure to be followed by adjudicators
- (1) The Schedule to these Regulations shall have effect as to the procedure to be followed in relation to proceedings before adjudicators.
(2) Subject to the provisions of that Schedule, an adjudicator may regulate his own procedure.
Evidence produced by a prescribed device
- (1) Evidence of a fact relevant to Schedule 23 proceedings may be given by the production of -
(2) In paragraph (1) -
and includes any equipment used in conjunction with the camera or other device for the purpose of producing such a record.
(3) A document purporting to be a record of the kind mentioned in paragraph (1) or to be a certificate signed as mentioned in that paragraph shall be deemed to be such a record, or to be so signed, unless the contrary is proved.
Recovery of amounts payable under an adjudication
Any amount which is payable under an adjudication of an adjudicator shall, if a county court so orders, be recoverable by the person to whom the amount is payable, as if it were payable under a county court order.
Reports by adjudicators
Each adjudicator shall make an annual report to the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions on the discharge of his functions.
Right to make representations
- (1) A relevant person shall, on the happening of an event such as is referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of regulation 9, thereupon be informed by notice in writing, by or on behalf of the charging authority, of his right to make representations under this regulation and his right of appeal under regulation 11.
(2) A relevant person may make representations in writing to the charging authority on one or more of the grounds mentioned in paragraph (3).
(3) The grounds are -
(4) A charging authority may disregard any representations received by them after the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the relevant person is informed in accordance with paragraph (1) of his right to make representations.
(5) It shall be the duty of a charging authority to whom representations are duly made under this regulation, before the end of the period of 56 days beginning with the day on which they receive the representations -
(6) Where a charging authority serve notice under paragraph (5)(b) that they accept that a ground has been established they shall (when serving that notice or as soon as practicable thereafter) refund any penalty charge or charges -
except to the extent (if any) to which those sums were properly paid or deducted.
(7) Where a charging authority serve notice under paragraph (5)(b) that they do not accept that a ground has been established, that notice shall -
(8) Where a charging authority fail to comply with paragraph (5) before the end of the period of 56 days there mentioned -
(9) Any notice required to be served under this regulation may be served personally or by post or in such form as is agreed between the charging authority and the relevant person.
(10) Where the person on whom any document is required to be served by paragraph (5) is a body corporate, the document is duly served if it is sent by post or any such form as is agreed to the secretary or clerk to that body.
Right to appeal to an adjudicator
- (1) Where a charging authority serve notice under regulation 10(5)(b) that they do not accept that a ground on which representations were made under that regulation has been established, the person making those representations may appeal to an adjudicator against the authority's decision, before -
(2) On an appeal under this regulation, the adjudicator shall consider the representations in question and any additional representations which are made by the appellant on any of the grounds mentioned in regulation 10(3) and, if he concludes -
he shall direct the authority to make the necessary refund.
(3) It shall be the duty of a charging authority to whom such a direction is given to comply with it.
Representations against penalty charge notice
- (1) Where it appears to the recipient that one or other of the grounds mentioned in paragraph (3) are satisfied, he may make representations to that effect to the charging authority who served the penalty charge notice on him.
(2) The charging authority may disregard any such representations which are received by them after the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the penalty charge notice was served.
(3) The grounds are -
(b) that the charge payable for the use or keeping of the vehicle on a road on the occasion in question was paid at the time and in the manner required by the charging scheme;
(c) that in the circumstances of the case no penalty charge is payable;
(d) that the vehicle had been used or kept, or permitted to be used or kept, on a road by a person who was in control of the vehicle without the consent of the registered keeper;
(e) that the penalty charge exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case;
(f) that the recipient is a vehicle-hire firm and -
(4) Where the ground mentioned in paragraph (3)(a)(ii) is relied on in any representations made under this regulation, those representations must include a statement of the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle was disposed of by the person making the representations (if that information is in his possession).
(5) Where the ground mentioned in paragraph (3)(a)(iii) is relied on in any representations made under this regulation, those representations must include a statement of the name and address of the person from whom the vehicle was acquired by the person making the representations (if that information is in his possession).
(6) It shall be the duty of a charging authority to whom representations are duly made under this regulation -
Cancellation of penalty charge notice
- (1) Where representations are made under regulation 13 and the charging authority concerned accept that the ground in question has been established they shall -
(2) The cancellation of a penalty charge notice under this regulation shall not be taken to prevent the charging authority concerned from serving a fresh penalty charge notice on the same or another person.
Rejection of representations against penalty charge notice
- (1) Where any representations are made under regulation 13 but the charging authority concerned do not accept that a ground has been established, the notice served under regulation 13(6) ("the notice of rejection") must -
(b) indicate the nature of an adjudicator's power to award costs against any person appealing to him; and
(c) describe in general terms the form and manner in which an appeal to an adjudicator must be made.
(2) A notice of rejection may contain such other information as the charging authority consider appropriate.
Adjudication by an adjudicator
- (1) Where a charging authority serve notice under regulation 13(6) that they do not accept that a ground on which representations were made under that regulation has been established, the person making those representations may appeal to an adjudicator against the charging authority's decision before -
(2) On an appeal under this regulation, the adjudicator shall consider the representations in question and any additional representations which are made by the appellant on any of the grounds mentioned in regulation 13(3) and may give the charging authority concerned such directions as he considers appropriate.
(3) It shall be the duty of any charging authority to whom a direction is given under paragraph (2) to comply with it.
Charge certificates
- (1) Where a penalty charge notice is served on any person and the penalty charge to which it relates is not paid before the end of the relevant period, the charging authority serving the notice may serve on that person a statement (a "charge certificate") to the effect that the penalty charge in question is increased by such proportion as may be specified in the charging scheme under which it was incurred.
(2) The relevant period, in relation to a penalty charge notice, is the period of 28 days beginning -
with the date on which the notice of rejection is served; or
(c) where there has been an unsuccessful appeal against a notice of rejection, with the date on which notice of the adjudicator's decision is served on the appellant.
(3) Where an appeal against a notice of rejection is made but is withdrawn before the adjudicator gives notice of his decision, the relevant period in relation to a penalty charge notice is the period of 14 days beginning with the date on which the appeal is withdrawn.
Enforcement of charge certificate
Where a charge certificate has been served on any person and the increased penalty charge provided for in the certificate is not paid before the end of the period of 14 days beginning with the date on which the certificate is served, the charging authority concerned may, if a county court so orders, recover the increased charge as if it were payable under a county court order.
Invalid notices
- (1) This regulation applies where -
(2) The statutory declaration must state that the person making it -
(3) Paragraph (4) applies where it appears to a district judge, on the application of a person on whom a charge certificate has been served, that it would be unreasonable in the circumstances of his case to insist on him serving his statutory declaration within the period of 21 days allowed for by paragraph (1).
(4) Where this paragraph applies, the district judge may allow such longer period for service of the statutory declaration as he considers appropriate.
(5) Where a statutory declaration is served under paragraph (1)(c) -
(6) Service of a declaration under paragraph (2)(a) shall not be taken to prevent the charging authority from serving a fresh penalty charge notice on the same or another person.
(7) Where a declaration has been served under paragraph (2)(b) or (c), the charging authority shall refer the case to the adjudicator who may give such directions as he considers appropriate.
Enforcement by execution
- (1) Subject to paragraph (2),
shall be treated for purposes of enforcement by execution as if they were specified debts in the Enforcement of Road Traffic Debts Order 1993[5] ("the 1993 Order").
(2) For the purposes of the enforcement of payment of an unpaid penalty charge and a sum referred to in paragraph 1(b), any reference in the 1993 Order to "the authority" shall be a reference to a charging authority.
Service by post
Any penalty charge notice, charge certificate or other notice under these Regulations may be served by post (or in such other form as is agreed between the person to be served and the charging authority) and, where the person on whom it is to be served is a body corporate, is duly served if it is sent by post to the secretary or clerk of that body.
Irvine of Lairg,
26th June 2001
(2) In this Schedule in relation to an appeal or any process connected with an appeal -
(3) If the notice of appeal is delivered to the proper officer later than the time limit specified in regulation 11 or 16 (as the case may be), the appellant must include in the notice a statement of the reasons on which he relies for justifying the delay, and the adjudicator shall treat any such statement of reasons for delay as a request for extending that time limit.
(4) The appellant or his authorised representative shall sign the notice of appeal.
Action upon receipt of notice of appeal and copy of such notice
- (1) Upon receiving a notice of appeal the proper officer shall -
(2) Upon receipt of a copy of the notice of appeal sent under this paragraph, the charging authority shall within 7 days deliver to the proper officer a copy of -
Further representations
- (1) Any party may deliver representations to the proper officer at any time before the appeal is determined.
(2) The adjudicator may invite a party to deliver to the proper officer at any time representations dealing with any matter relating to an appeal within such time and in such manner as may be specified.
(3) Where a party fails to respond to an invitation under sub-paragraph (2), the adjudicator may (without prejudice to any other power he may have) draw such inferences as appear to him proper.
(4) Any representations delivered under this paragraph shall be signed by, or by the authorised representative of, the party in question.
(5) Where the appellant delivers representations to the proper officer under this paragraph, the proper officer shall send a copy of the representations to the charging authority.
(6) Where the charging authority deliver representations to the proper officer under this paragraph, they shall at the same time send a copy of the representations to the appellant.
(7) This paragraph is without prejudice to the powers of an adjudicator under paragraph 8.
Right to make representations
- (1) The adjudicator may require the attendance of any person (including a party to the proceedings) as a witness, at a time and place specified by him, at the hearing of an appeal and require him to answer any questions or produce any documents in his custody or control which relate to any matter in the proceedings.
(2) A person in respect of whom a requirement has been made under sub-paragraph (1) may apply to the adjudicator to vary or set aside the requirement.
(3) A person shall not be bound to comply with a requirement under sub-paragraph (1) unless he has been given at least 7 days' notice of the hearing or, if less than 7 days, he has informed the adjudicator that he accepts such notice as he has been given.
(4) A person shall not be bound to comply with a requirement under sub-paragraph (1) unless the necessary expenses of his attendance are paid or tendered to him.
(5) No person shall be required to give any evidence or produce any documents under sub-paragraph (1) which he could not be required to give or produce in the trial of an action in a court of law.
Disposal of an appeal without a hearing
- (1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the adjudicator may dispose of an appeal without a hearing.
(2) The adjudicator shall not dispose of an appeal without a hearing if either party has requested a hearing unless -
(3) The adjudicator shall not dispose of an appeal without a hearing until after the expiration of 4 weeks beginning with the day on which an acknowledgement is sent in accordance with paragraph 3 unless both parties consent to the disposal taking place on an earlier date.
Notice of time and place of hearing
- (1) This paragraph shall have effect where a hearing is to be held for the purpose of disposing of an appeal.
(2) The proper officer shall fix the time and place of the hearing and, not less than 21 days before the date so fixed (or such shorter time as the parties agree), notify each party in writing or in such other manner as he thinks fit.
(3) The adjudicator may alter the time and place of any hearing and the proper officer shall, not less than 7 days before the date on which the hearing is then to be held (or such shorter time as the parties agree), notify each party of the altered time and place in writing or in such other manner as he thinks fit.
(4) This paragraph applies to an adjourned hearing but, if the time and place of the adjourned hearing are announced before the adjournment, no further notice shall be required.
Admission to a hearing
- (1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, a hearing shall be held in public.
(2) The adjudicator may direct that the whole or any part of a hearing be held in private if he is satisfied that by reason of -
it is just and reasonable for him so to do.
(3) Where the hearing is in private the adjudicator may admit such persons as he considers appropriate.
(4) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, a representative of the Council on Tribunals may be present in his capacity as such notwithstanding that the hearing, or part of a hearing is not in public and such a person shall not be excluded under sub-paragraph (5).
(5) Without prejudice to any other powers he may have, an adjudicator may exclude from the hearing of an appeal, or part of it, any person whose conduct has disrupted or is likely, in the opinion of the adjudicator, to disrupt the hearing.
Appearances at a hearing
- (1) The following persons shall be entitled to appear at a hearing relating to an application -
(2) Any other person may appear at a hearing at the discretion of the adjudicator.
(3) Any person entitled or permitted to appear at a hearing may do so on his own behalf or be represented by counsel, a solicitor or, at the discretion of the adjudicator, by any other person.
Procedure at a hearing
- (1) At the beginning of the hearing of an appeal the adjudicator shall explain the order of proceedings which he proposes to adopt.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the adjudicator shall conduct the hearing of an appeal in such manner as he considers most suitable to the clarification of the issues before him and generally to the just handling of the proceedings; he shall so far as appears to him appropriate seek to avoid formality in the proceedings.
(3) At the hearing of an appeal -
(4) Without prejudice to paragraph 6(2)(c), where a party who has been sent a notice of the hearing of an appeal or has otherwise been notified of the hearing in accordance with paragraph 7 fails to attend the hearing, the adjudicator may dispose of the appeal in his absence.
Decisions on appeals
- (1) Where an appeal is disposed of at a hearing, the decision of the adjudicator may be given orally at the end of the hearing or reserved.
(2) Where an appeal has been disposed of whether at a hearing or otherwise, the decision shall be recorded forthwith in the register with (save in the case of a decision by consent) a statement of the reasons for the decision and the proper officer shall send a copy of the entry to each party.
Review of adjudicator's decision
- (1) An adjudicator shall have power on the application of a party, to review and revoke or vary any decision to dismiss or allow an appeal or any decision as to costs on the grounds (in any such case) that -
(2) An adjudicator shall have power, on the application of a party, to review and revoke or vary any interlocutory decision.
(3) An application under this paragraph shall be made to the proper officer within 14 days after the date on which the decision was sent to the parties, and must state the grounds in full.
(4) The parties shall have the opportunity to be heard on any application for review under this paragraph; and if, having reviewed the decision, the adjudicator directs the decision to be set aside, he shall substitute such decision as he thinks fit or order a re-determination by either the same or a different adjudicator.
(5) Paragraph 11 applies to a decision under sub-paragraph (1) as it applies to a decision made on the disposal of an appeal.
- (1) An adjudicator shall not normally make an order awarding costs and expenses, but may, subject to paragraph (2) make such an order -
(2) An order shall not be made under sub-paragraph (1) against a party unless that party has been given an opportunity of making representations against the making of the order.
(3) An order under sub-paragraph (1) shall require the party against whom it is made to pay to the other party a specified sum in respect of the costs and expenses incurred by that other party in connection with the proceedings.
Consolidation of proceedings
- (1) Where there are pending two or more appeals and at any time it appears to an adjudicator that -
the adjudicator may order that all of the appeals or those specified in the order shall be considered together and may give such consequential directions as may appear to him to be necessary.
(2) An order shall not be made under this paragraph unless all parties concerned have been given an opportunity of making representations against the making of the order.
Miscellaneous powers of adjudicators
- (1) An adjudicator may, if he thinks fit -
(2) An adjudicator may exercise the powers conferred by this Schedule (other than paragraph 12) or by regulation 11(1)(b) or 16(1)(b) on his own motion or on the application of a party.
Clerical errors
Unintentional errors or slips in any document recording a direction or decision of an adjudicator may be corrected by the proper officer on the direction of the adjudicator.
Service of documents
- (1) This paragraph has effect in relation to any notice or other document required or authorised by this Schedule to be sent to a party to an appeal.
(2) Any such document shall be regarded as having been sent to that party if it is -
(3) A document may be transmitted by FAX where the party has indicated in writing to the proper officer that he is willing to regard a document as having been duly sent to him if it is transmitted to a specified FAX number and the document is transmitted to that number.
(4) In the case of a charging authority, an indication under sub-paragraph (3) can be expressed to apply to any appeal to which they are a respondent.
(5) Sub-paragraphs (3) and (4) shall apply with appropriate modification to a transmission of electronic data other than by FAX as it applies to a transmission by FAX.
(6) Where the proper address includes a numbered box number at a document exchange, delivery of a document may be effected by leaving the document addressed to that numbered box at that document exchange or at a document exchange which transmits documents on every business day to that exchange.
(7) Any document which is left at a document exchange in accordance with sub-paragraph (6) shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been delivered on the second business day after the day on which it is left.
(8) For the purposes of this Schedule and of section 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978[6] in its application to this paragraph -
(9) If no address for service has been specified, the proper address for the purposes of this Schedule and of section 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 shall be -
(10) An appellant may at any time by notice to the proper officer change his proper address for service for the purposes of this Schedule and of section 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978.
(11) A party may by notice in writing delivered to the proper officer vary or revoke any indication given by him under sub-paragraph (3).
Delivery of documents to proper officer
- (1) This paragraph has effect in relation to any notice or other document required or authorised to be delivered to the proper officer and is without prejudice to paragraph 4(3).
(2) Any such document may be transmitted to him by FAX or other means of electronic data transmission.
(3) Where the address of the proper officer includes a box number at a document exchange, the delivery of such a document may be effected by leaving the document addressed to that numbered box at that document exchange or at another document exchange which transmits documents on every business day to that exchange.
(4) Any document which is left at a document exchange in accordance with sub-paragraph (3) shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been delivered on the second business day after the day on which it is left.
(5) Paragraphs 2(4) and 4(4) -
(2) An adjudicator may in particular -
(3) Where an adjudicator gives a direction under sub-paragraph (2)(a), Part II of this Schedule shall apply to the proceedings as if paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Schedule were omitted.
(3) A document purporting to be certified by the proper officer to be a true copy of any entry in the register shall be evidence of the entry and of matters stated therein.
[4] 1990 c. 41; section 71 has been amended by the Access to Justice Act 1999 (c. 22), paragraphs 4 and 9 of Schedule 6 and Part II of Schedule 15.back
[5] S.I. 1993/2073, amended by S.I. 2001/1386.back