At the Tribunal
Transcript of Proceedings
Postponement or stay
The Claimant did not attend on day 1 of her 8‑day race discrimination hearing. The Employment Tribunal was told by noon she had been taken by ambulance and was in A&E. The Respondent made an application to strike out the claims with costs. No details were provided to the Claimant as to the grounds (which were rule 18(7)(c) and (d)). Her husband said he could not comply with the Employment Tribunal’s requirement that written medical corroboration of the Claimant’s hospitalisation be provided by 2.00pm. The Employment Tribunal struck out the claims and awarded costs of £10,000.
Judgment set aside. The Employment Tribunal failed to deal with the postponement application. It did not send notice as required by rules 18(6) and 19 so the hearing was a nullity. Alternatively the decisions on postponement, strike‑out and costs were wholly wrong in principle. Teinaz, Abegaze and O’Cathail applied. On the EAT deciding the issue the claims were restored to a fresh Employment Tribunal for full hearing, the Claimant to pay the Respondent its costs thrown away on day 1 under rule 40(1).
The legislation
“(7) Subject to paragraph (6), a chairman or tribunal may make a judgment or order—
[…] (c) striking out any claim or response (or part of one) on the grounds that the manner in which the proceedings have been conducted by or on behalf of the claimant or the respondent (as the case may be) has been scandalous, unreasonable or vexatious;
(d) striking out a claim which has not been actively pursued; […].”
“(1) Before a chairman or a tribunal makes a judgment or order described in rule 18(7) … the Secretary shall send notice to the party against whom it is proposed that the order or judgment should not be made. The notice shall inform him of the order or judgment to be considered and give him the opportunity to give reasons why the order or judgment should not be made. This paragraph shall not be taken to require the Secretary to send such notice to that party if that party has been given an opportunity to give reasons orally to the chairman or the tribunal as to why the order should not be made.
(2) Where a notice required by paragraph (1) is sent in relation to an order to strike out a claim which has not been actively pursued, unless the contrary is proved, the notice shall be treated as if it were received by the addressee if it has been sent to the address specified in the claim as the address to which notices are to be sent (or to any subsequent replacement for that address which has been notified to the Employment Tribunal Office).”
The facts
“6. On the morning of the hearing, the tribunal attempted to contact the claimant on her mobile telephone number at 10.00am. A voicemail message was left for her. There was no response. An email, timed at 1210pm, was sent to the claimant’s email address. It informed her that the respondent’s solicitor had applied to the tribunal to strike‑out her claims in the circumstances of her non‑attendance. The tribunal would not hear that application until 2.00pm. She was requested to attend. The tribunal subsequently received from her former husband a brief email timed at 12.02pm on 16 April. He stated she had been taken to the accident and emergency unit that morning. There followed an exchange of emails with Mr Hemming, who is a serving MP, and a telephone call from him at 1345pm. He was copied the email notice of the strike out application by the respondent. He was requested to facilitate the production to the tribunal of a medical report of the claimant’s admission to hospital. He refused stating he had other priorities. He stated that that his personal knowledge of his wife’s position was given to him by her over the telephone. No telephone call was received by the tribunal from the claimant.
7. The tribunal heard the strike‑out application made by Miss Lovell, the respondent’s solicitor, at 2.15pm on 16 April. The tribunal has felt very serious concern about the conduct of the claimant in her failure to attend the hearing and to make out any corroborated grounds for her absence and also her total failure to communicate with the tribunal. Considerable inconvenience has been caused to the respondent, and to the witnesses who have attended for the hearing; more especially those compelled by witness orders and who have travelled long distances. We also find that Miss Lovell has demonstrated a course of unreasonable conduct and lack of co‑operation and engagement on the part of the claimant in the management of these proceedings leading to the trial dates.
8. We find that grounds have been shown by the respondent to strike out the claimant’s claims under Rules 18(7)(c) and (d). The claimant has failed actively to pursue her claim by her failure, without corroborated reason to attend the hearing to put her case. Further, her conduct generally in these proceedings has been wholly unreasonable in our view.
9. We believe that the circumstances with which we are faced on 16 April 2012 represent a scandalous waste of money, of the public purse as well as of the respondent’s. The claimant has abused and disrespected the tribunal as she has the respondent and also the witnesses she compelled to attend. The respondent’s solicitor has asked for an order for costs to be paid by the claimant, pursuant to Rules 38 and 40. We grant such an order. It is entirely just and equitable that the claimant bears the costs of the respondent in the circumstances. The respondent’s total costs are well in excess of £20,000.00. We have a summary assessment power up to £10,000.00. We exercise that to its maximum extent in this case and we are firm in the view that we are utterly justified in so doing.”
“6.3 I consider that the findings of the tribunal at paragraphs 1‑10 of the reasons forming part of the judgment are self‑explanatory to all parties.
6.4 There was no notification whatsoever from the claimant herself, yet she was able it seems to verbally communicate in detail to her husband. I conclude that independent written medical evidence could have been provided to the tribunal had the claimant or her husband so wished that to be produced.
6.5 I refuse the claimant’s application for a review of the said judgment. The claimant has provided no new evidence in the context of the matters alive at the hearing on 16 April 2012 which could not have been known or produced at the time had the claimant been so minded.”
“This pleasant 53 year old lady was admitted to hospital on 16.4.12 with chest pain. This chest pain was constant in nature from 3am until it subsided at midday of the same day and was sharp at the left lateral chest wall and radiated to the rest of the left chest where it became a dull ache. She had no associated symptoms, has never had pain like this left and has no family history of cardiac disease. During the course of the chest pain she took paracetamol and ibuprofen and received 300mg aspirin on arrival to hospital.
Her ECG showed normal sinus rhythm and no acute changes both on the initial admission and 4 hours later. Her bloods were unremarkable and she had a negative high sensitivity troponin level. A chest x‑day also did not demonstrate any acute pathology.
Her pain has now settled and, given her normal investigation results and atypical history for acute coronary syndrome, we are happy to discharge her home.”
“Unless written medical confirmation, signed by a doctor setting out the circumstances of Mrs Hemming’s admission to Accident and Emergency can be provided, the tribunal will proceed as set out below.”
“It is currently 13.33. I do not see it as being practical to obtain a document signed by a doctor and submit it to the tribunal by 2pm. Hence I will not be doing anything about this.”
The Claimant’s case
15. On behalf of the Claimant, three propositions are made. First, the Tribunal was wrong not to follow the Judgment in Teinaz v London Borough of Wandsworth [2002] ICR 1471 and to accord the Claimant an opportunity to address the strike‑out. Further, the Claimant’s case should not have been struck out for unreasonable conduct without further investigation, and it should not have been struck out for non‑pursuit of the case in the circumstances which were outside her control. As to the costs, the only reason that triggered the costs order was the failure on that day to attend, and the costs should fall with the decision to be made.
The Respondent’s case
16. On behalf of the Respondent, it is contended that the EAT should not intervene in the exercise of the discretion of the Tribunal in refusing an application to adjourn. The test is not one of unfairness or proportionality but whether the decision made by the Tribunal in this case was unreasonable in the sense of Associated Provincial Picture Houses v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223. The Claimant made no contact whatever with the Employment Tribunal. Further, the evidence that was adduced in the application for review was not new. As to costs, it is accepted by Mr Heppinstall that this decision stands or falls with the decision, but he reserved his position on whether costs should be sought in respect of the single day.
The legal principles
17. The legal principles in respect of a strike‑out are first provided in Teinaz:
“21. A litigant whose presence is needed for the fair trial of a case, but who is unable to be present through no fault of his own, will usually have to be granted an adjournment, however inconvenient it may be to the tribunal or court and to the other parties. That litigant’s right to a fair trial under article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights demands nothing less. But the tribunal or court is entitled to be satisfied that the inability of the litigant to be present is genuine, and the onus is on the applicant for an adjournment to prove the need for such an adjournment.
22. If there is some evidence that a litigant is unfit to attend, in particular if there is evidence that on medical grounds the litigant has been advised by a qualified person not to attend, but the tribunal or court has doubts as to whether the evidence is genuine or sufficient, the tribunal or court has a discretion whether or not to give a direction such as would enable the doubts to be resolved. Thus, one possibility is to direct that further evidence be provided promptly. Another is that the party seeking the adjournment should be invited to authorise the legal representatives for the other side to have access to the doctor giving the advice in question. The advocates on both sides can do their part in assisting the tribunal faced with such a problem to achieve a just result. I do not say that a tribunal or court necessarily makes any error of law in not taking such steps. I make these comments in recognition of the fact that applications or an adjournment on the basis of a medical certificate may present difficult problems requiring practical solutions if justice is to be achieved.”
18. In Blockbuster Entertainment v James [2006] IRLR 630 CA it is clear that there must be unreasonable conduct that has taken the form of deliberate or persistent disregard or a failure to follow procedural steps. It is, as Sedley LJ there described it, a draconian power not to be readily exercised. It is still necessary to consider whether a strike‑out is the proportionate response to the misconduct in question. The same view was reiterated in Abegaze v Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology [2010] IRLR 238 CA, where Elias LJ said the following:
“In the case of a strike out application brought under paragraph (c), it is well established that before a claim is struck out, it is necessary to establish that the conduct complained of was scandalous, unreasonable or vexatious conduct of the proceedings; that the result of that conduct was that there could not be a fair trial; and that the imposition of the strike out sanction was proportionate. If some lesser sanction is appropriate and consistent with a fair trial, then the strike out should not be employed.”
“1. This appeal arises from refusals by an employment tribunal to grant late applications made by an unrepresented claimant for an adjournment of the full hearing of this case. The date had been re‑fixed nearly four months before, following a successful late application by the claimant for the postponement of an earlier fixed hearing date. Several days had been set aside for evidence and argument on his disability discrimination claim. The ground of his applications, as on the previous occasion, was that he was medically unfit to attend the hearing. The Tribunal proceeded to hear the case in his absence and to dismiss it. A judgment, separate from the later final judgment on the merits of this case, explained in detail the cumulative reasons for taking the exceptional course of hearing and deciding the case in the claimant’s absence.
2. Applications to adjourn or postpone hearing dates fixed for cases are routinely received by the employment tribunal, often at short notice. If granted, the effect is to inconvenience other users of the tribunal by disrupting the efficient listing and disposition of cases with a consequent loss of valuable hearing time. Other consequences are irrecoverable costs incurred by the opposite side, which has spent money preparing for an abortive hearing, and considerable delay in the final determination of cases, as the hearing have to be re‑fixed for distant dates. […]
39. I have reached the conclusion that this appeal should be allowed on the short ground that there was no error of law in the judgment of the employment tribunal refusing to exercise its broad discretion to grant the adjournments requested. […]
44. The crucial point of difference from Terluk [v Berezovsky [2010] EWCA Civ 1345]’s case is that decisions of the employment tribunal can only be appealed on questions of law, whereas under the CPR the appeal is normally by way of review and the decision of a lower court can be set aside, if it is wrong, or if it is unjust by reason of a serious procedural or other irregularity in the proceedings. In relation to case management the employment tribunal has exceptionally wide powers of managing cases brought by and against parties who are often without the benefit of legal representation. The tribunal’s decisions can only be questioned for error of law. A question of law only arises in relation to their exercise, when there is an error of legal principle in the approach or perversity in the outcome. That is the approach, including failing to take account of a relevant matter or taking account of an irrelevant one, which the Employment Appeal Tribunal should continue to adopt rather than the approach in Terluk as summarised in the headnote [2012] ICR 561 quoted above. It is to be hoped that this ruling will put an end to the ‘apparent confusion in authority’ on the point pointed out by Wilkie J in Riley v Crown Prosecution Service (unreported) 13 June 2012, at paras 55‑56.”
Discussion and conclusions
29. This will go back to a differently constituted Employment Tribunal, because we have considered the factors in Sinclair Roche & Temperley v Heard [2004] IRLR 763 and there were no findings on the merits of this case. There is no utility in keeping this Tribunal together. The hearing is likely to be two years after the hearing fixed in this case, and, since we have found the Tribunal to have been wrong in such serious ways, it would be very difficult to impose upon its shoulders the burden of deciding the matter afresh. So, this will go back to a freshly constituted Employment Tribunal with our order that the parties are directed yet again to apply their minds to a conciliated solution to this and to report to the Employment Tribunal within 28 days on the steps taken but not the substance.