At the Tribunal
Transcript of Proceedings
(Solicitor) Simpson and Marwick Solicitors 4 Carden Terrace Aberdeen AB10 1US
(Solicitor) Paull and Williamsons LLP Solicitors Union Plaza 1 Union Wynd Aberdeen AB10 1DQ |
Case management
Recovery of documents. Documents in USA. Haver in USA. Competency. Choice of law. Legal professional privilege. Post Litem Motam exclusion.
Procedure before the Employment Tribunal
“In terms of Rule 10 of Schedule 1 to the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Procedure Regulations 2004 the following orders are made:
Within 28 days after the date of this order the respondents shall disclose to the claimant the following documents held in any medium, whether hard copy, electronic or otherwise:
1. All transcripts, notes or minutes of meetings held between the Claimant and representatives of Fulbright and Jaworski LLP referred to in page 2 of the statement of William Jacobson.
2. All correspondence, documents, emails, drafts and minutes of meetings regarding the negotiation and conclusion of the Consultancy Agreement with TLC SA referred to in paragraph 5 of the Notice of Appearance.
3. All of the work orders for TLC referred to in the said statement of William Jacobson.
Within 28 days after the date of this order the respondents shall provide to the claimant the following information:
1. In respect of the statement in paragraph 3 of the Notice of Appearance that “Weatherford International Limited…as required to instigate an investigation into activities primarily in West Africa into which the Claimant, among others, had been involved”, specify: -
Precisely what matters were being investigated and for what purpose.
2. In relation to paragraph 4 of the Notice of Appearance specify:-
(a) What Fulbright and Jaworski LLP were instructed to investigate, for what purpose and by whom; and
(b) Precisely which admissions and comments were made by the Claimant that led to the decision to terminate his employment.”
6. The Respondent now appeals against the entirety of that order.
Factual basis
11. The interviews of the Claimant were not recorded. No transcripts were made of what was said. Notes were taken by the relevant Fulbright attorneys which were referred to as “summaries containing thoughts and impressions of counsel”[1] and as ‘only the attorneys’ thoughts and “mental impressions” [2] .
“In light of the statements that the Claimant had made in his interviews with Fulbright and Jaworski LLP and in light of the other available evidence including in particular emails sent by and to the Claimant, Mr Jacobson concluded that the Claimant had breached the policies and procedures of the company, in a manner that constituted a material breach of the terms of his contract of employment.”
“Mr Forbes was asked to resign for violating his employment contract by, among other things, establishing contractual arrangements with a third party company that facilitated and made improper payments to others, participating in those improper payments, preparing and sending fictitious work orders, and exposing the Company to potential civil and criminal liability in both the United States and the United Kingdom.”
15. In the penultimate paragraph of the introduction, he states:
“The documents attached to this report, together with my understanding of Mr Forbes’ statements given to Fulbright, form the basis for my conclusion about his wrongdoing.”
17. Under the ‘Allegations’ section of his report, Mr Jacobson states:
“Mr Forbes stated that he was approached by Mr Fraser and Mr Haering to prepare a consulting agreement between the Company and TLC. This is referred to in an email …..”
“According to Mr Forbes, for a lengthy period of time, TLC was paid commissions relating to work in the Congo. He stated that there was a longstanding arrangement to pay commissions. When asked what “management consultancy” meant in the context of these commissions, he stated that he did not know and did not want to ask because paying commissions “did not seem quite right.” Mr Forbes also confirmed that he was aware that TLC was passing on commissions to someone else……”
“Mr Forbes confirmed to Fulbright that he did not know what services TLC provided for the Company in Angola. He stated that he did not know why payments had been made to TLC based on a work order, and not an invoice…..Mr Forbes was aware that Mr Pounga was not a TLC employee.”
“Mr Forbes stated in his interview with Fulbright that he was not sure what work TLC would have done for the Company in Soya and that he did not know what the Soyo payment was for. He stated that he did not know who the final recipient of the payment was. When asked where he thought the payment was going at the time he stated that he did not want to speculate.”
“Mr Forbes told Fulbright that he understood the TLC invoice as a request for a commission payment based on the Cabinda contract and that he did not know who it was for. He also acknowledged to Fulbright that all of the employees involved should have asked what the purpose of the payment was.”
20. The above quotations from Mr Jacobson’s report are the only points at which he refers to and relies on what the Claimant told Fulbright. Mr Jacobson did not interview the Claimant himself. He does not specify the source of his information about what the Claimant had said at interview. Fulbright could, obviously, have been the source but the ‘understanding’ to which he refers[3] could have been Fulbright’s interview notes, it could have been a separate report prepared by Fulbright for Mr Jacobson, and it could, equally, have been a conversation between him and Fulbright, as Mr Saluja accepted in the course of submissions.
The Tribunal’s Judgment
22. He first considered the extent of his powers under rule 10 of the 2004 Rules; he noted that the person against whom a documents order could be pronounced[4] required to be in Great Britain but considered that that did not mean that the documents themselves required to be within that jurisdiction. The documents could, he concluded, be outwith the country. Further, he concluded that insofar as he was constrained within the limits of the powers available to a sheriff, that only applied to questions of the scope of the documentary recovery [5].
23. The Employment Judge then noted that it was not seriously disputed that the documents sought were relevant to the dispute between parties. That was because “a contemporaneous record of what was said is inevitably of relevance and potentially of considerable significance.”[6]
24. He observed that the interviews of the Claimant were all said to have been conducted in a manner the effect of which was that the documents sought attracted legal privilege. There was, accordingly, a choice of law issue: was that right of legal privilege substantive or procedural? He concluded that the substantive rights involved were the right not to be unfairly dismissed and the right not be discriminated against[7] and that the right of privilege, arose only: “in the context of admissibility”. He added:
“...in the present context its application is in determining whether or not particular documents may or may not be admitted as evidence, and the associated grant of refusal of a relative interlocutory order is a matter of procedure.” [8]
26. The Employment Judge then determined that, under Scots law, the documents would not attract privilege because the Claimant was not Fulbright’s client, because the relevant communication was not between lawyer and client - it was what the Claimant told Fulbright and not what Fulbright had told WIL[9], because the Claimant was not seeking to discover what advice had been tendered by Fulbright to WIL[10], and because there is no confidentiality if the purpose of recovery is simply to show that a statement was made[11]. For the latter proposition, he relied on Walkers: Evidence[12] - that was what, in his assessment, the Claimant wanted:
“It is my understanding that that is essentially what the claimant wants i.e. a record of his own interview so that he may show the tribunal a contemporaneous record of what he himself said.”[13]
“However, because of the peculiarities mentioned above, I tend towards allowing disclosure of some of the material sought as I do not consider that the peculiar circumstances which we have here fall under the legal professional privilege.”
“It does not meet my idea of fairness for the respondents to rely upon part of what the claimant is said to have said in the interviews and at the same time deny him access to a record of all that he said. I therefore agree with the submissions put forward on this issue by Mr Saluja and concluded therefore that for this reason in any event privilege can not be claimed.”
“All the sources on this topic appear to me to involve material being sought in the course of proceedings in which it is said by the other party that it was prepared for the purpose of or in contemplation of these same proceedings. Indeed it seems to me that it is only in that context (i.e. in and for the same proceedings) that the purpose behind the rule makes any proper sense.”[14]
“I have come to the position then of being inclined to grant orders to some extent. To take the document order first, I can only make it against the respondent company. It cannot be made against WIL since they are not in Great Britain. I am conscious of a potential enforcement problem if WIL hold the material and simply refuse to release it. However it seems to me that from the terms of his own written evidence Mr Jacobson must at some time have had access to the material – otherwise he could not have written as he did. It also seems to me that in taking a decision to dismiss the claimants he must in doing so have been acting as an agent for the employers, the present respondents. I would not regard it therefore as acceptable if the respondents were not to obtain and produce the documents when they have such a considerable bearing upon the reasons for these dismissals.”[15]
The appeal
The issues
32. The issues addressed in the appeal were:
(i) Whether or not the document orders pronounced by the Employment Tribunal were incompetent?
(ii) Whether or not the Employment Judge had erred in concluding that Scots law applied when determining whether or not the documents sought were protected by privilege?
(iii) Whether or not the Scots law of privilege protected the documents from disclosure? If so, had that protection been waived?
(iv) Whether or not the information orders were incompetent and improperly made?
Submissions for the Respondent
33. Mr Kemp referred to China National Star Petroleum Corporation v Thain & ors[16] in support of the proposition that he could appear to represent not only the Respondent but also its parent company who, though not a party to the Tribunal claim, had a direct interest in the orders sought. The competence of him doing so was not disputed by Mr Saluja and I was satisfied that, given the nature of the Claimant’s application and WIL’s clear interest in the matter, it was both competent and appropriate that he represent both companies.
34. As a preliminary matter, he referred to the circumstances in which the Claimant was interviewed; at the start of each interview, the Claimant signed a document[17] which included the following terms:
“5. First, please keep in mind that Fulbright represents the Company, and not any individual employee of the Company, including you. In other words, the lawyers of Fulbright are the Company’s lawyers, and not your lawyers.
6. Nevertheless, because Fulbright represents the Company and you are an employee of the Company, your interview with Fulbright is protected by the attorney-client privilege under U.S law, meaning that the Company cannot under most circumstances be forced to reveal to anyone what is discussed at your interview.
7. At the same time, if you disclose what is discussed during your interview to anyone that attorney-client privilege can be lost. For this reason, it is important that you keep what we discuss today confidential. You should not discuss our conversations with anyone except other Fulbright lawyers.
8. Because Fulbright represents Weatherford, the attorney-client privilege belongs to Weatherford, and only Weatherford...”
35. Those terms were what is known as an “Upjohn” warning, being in accordance with the decision in the case of Upjohn Co v United States[18]. “Upjohn” warnings are routinely given by U.S attorneys prior to the start of such interviews so as to ensure the protection of attorney- client privilege, as explained in Professor Fairfax’s report, to which there was no contradictor. Professor Fairfax’s advice was clear; attorney client privilege applied, under U.S. law, to any interview notes or memoranda prepared by Fulbright. An email exchange showed that the Claimant’s solicitor, Mr Saluja, was advised by Fulbright that he would be free to take notes for the Claimant during his September interviews; it was not clear what the position was prior to that but Mr Saluja did not suggest, during the appeal hearing, that he could not have been present at all the interviews if that was what the Claimant had wanted. The Claimant did not, however, take Mr Saluja with him.
36. Turning to the first issue, competency, Mr Kemp submitted that it was not competent to order production of the documents sought as they were (a) held by a person in the U.S.; and (b) were themselves in the U.S. The Tribunal was a creature of statute and one had to look for a statutory basis for the power to order recovery. There was no general duty of disclosure. It was plain that rule 10 only related to recovery of documents from a person situated in Great Britain, which WIL was not. The Tribunal could not evade that difficulty by ordering that a person within Great Britain, the Respondent, obtain those documents. The Tribunal could only order production of documents which were in the hands of the person against whom the order was sought: Leslie - Employment Tribunal Practice in Scotland[19]; In Re Asbestos Insurance Coverage Cases[20]. Further, the Employment Judge’s powers were limited, in terms of rule 10, to those of a sheriff. A sheriff’s writ did not extend beyond Scotland; if the Claimant had raised a claim for breach of contract in the Sheriff Court, he would have had to proceed by way of letters of request which, under the relevant Hague convention, could properly be refused if privilege applied, particularly in circumstances of sensitivity such as the present: In re Westinghouse Uranium Contract[21]. The question was a pure one of competency but the Employment Judge appeared to have considered that he had a discretion or, at least, was entitled to pronounce an order which had, as its purpose, putting pressure on the Respondent to obtain documents that were not in their possession.
38. Mr Kemp then turned to the issue of whether or not the right of privilege was a substantive right or a procedural one and submitted that it was, plainly, the former. It was not a question of admissibility, as was stated by the Employment Judge. It was a matter of one party obtaining documents which may or may not, ultimately, become evidence in the case. Scots law and English law were not identical in relation to the law of privilege. However, the case of Three Rivers District Council and others v Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (No 5)[22], was instructive on the issue of whether or not it was a substantive or procedural right. He referred to the speech of Lord Scott of Foscote, at paragraph 26, where he observed that it was both. He also referred to Todd v Armour [23]as being the foundation stone for choice of law rules in Scotland and as indicative of it being appropriate to consider the geographical origin of the right in question. In Todd, the court applied Irish law, looking to what was the legal position when the horse was first transferred at market in Ireland; likewise, in the present case, although there were ongoing Scottish proceedings, there was a preceding U.S investigation which was highly relevant. He then referred to Armour v Thyssen Edelsthalwerke A.G [24] for Lord Mayfield’s observation that there was clear authority for the view that the lex situs governed the creation of real rights in corporeal moveables and submitted that the situation where the recovery of documents situated in another jurisdiction was sought was no different in principle; U.S law applied here. Finally on this point, he referred to the case of James Miller & Partners v Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Limited[25] for Lord Reid’s and Lord Hodson’s observations[26], on the principles applicable when determining the proper law of a contract, namely that it was a matter of identifying the system with which the transaction had its closest and most real connection, taking account of the context and parties’ whole actings. Here, the context, the content of the documents and the nature and purpose of the interviews clearly pointed to U.S law being the appropriate choice, that being the jurisdiction with which the matter had its strongest connection. Then, if one looked at Professor Fairfax’s opinion, it was clear that they attracted privilege and were not recoverable.
40. Turning to post litem motam, Mr Kemp submitted that the Employment Judge’s approach was fundamentally flawed. It was not correct to say that the protection only applied where the document was prepared in contemplation of the same proceedings. He referred, in that regard, to the case of Gavin v Montgomerie[27]where correspondence between a man and his law agent, relative to an indictment for forgery of a bill was held to be protected as confidential in civil proceedings against him for reduction of the bill; the post litem motam protection that arose in the context of the criminal proceedings had, Mr Kemp submitted, without question been extended into the separate subsequent civil proceedings. The protection applied, he submitted, not only to documents created after the commencement of proceedings but to those created after it was apparent that there was likely to be litigation: The Admiralty v The Aberdeen Steam Trawling and Fishing Co. Ltd [28] where, Mr Kemp observed, the Lord President had also made observations as to the risk that if the Admiralty did hold back the report that was sought, it might count against them before a jury but that was a matter for the Admiralty; it did not make the report recoverable. He also relied on the Lord President’s comment in Micosta S.A v Shetland Islands Council[29], that the general rule that communications between solicitor and client are confidential is of the highest importance, on the approach taken in Cuming and others v Gemmell (Cuming’s Trustee)[30] where notes, jottings and accounts made by an agent employed by a party to a litigation were held to be protected, on Lord Cameron’s decision in Teece v Ayrshire and Arran Health Board[31] which followed Micosta, on Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Houston[32], where the protection was afforded to a report made by a receiver regarding a director where disqualification proceedings were in contemplation, and on Hepburn v Scottish Power [1997] SLT 859 where, delivering the opinion of the court, Lord McCluskey referred to the relevant question as being whether or not the report sought had been prepared in anticipation of litigation.
41. Regarding waiver, Mr Kemp submitted that, on the facts, privilege had not been waived. Any waiver would have had to be by WIL, the party with the right of privilege. All that had happened was that, wearing a ‘Weatherford UK hat’, Mr Jacobson of WIL had considered the position of various individuals including the Claimant and the Respondent had disclosed his written statement. If the context was properly understood, there was no waiver. He referred to four authorities. First, he referred to Wylie v Wylie[33] where, by disclosing one of a series of letters between a party and his solicitor, the pursuer was found to have waived his right of privilege in respect of the other letters; that was, Mr Kemp submitted, a decision which was understandable on the facts of that case which were far removed from those of the present. Secondly, he referred to Whitbread Group Plc v Goldapple Ltd[34] where Lord Drummond Young rejected a submission made under reference to English procedure and rules of evidence because they differed from Scots law and also rejected a submission that by disclosing parts of communications between them and their solicitors, the pursuers had waived confidentiality in others; on the facts, what was disclosed was not sufficiently significant to lead him to conclude that there had been waiver of confidentiality. Thirdly, he referred to Brennan v Sunderland County Council[35], a decision which, he submitted, required to be approached with caution since it was based on English law and procedure; it required careful analysis. Finally, he referred to the case of University of Southampton v Kelly[36] as an example of a case where examination of context demonstrated that waiver had not occurred, even although the respondent had made an express reference in a document that was disclosed to having acted on legal advice.
Submissions for the Claimant
46. As to choice of law, Mr Saluja agreed that privilege was a right of substance to the extent that it was given a special place for a good reason. However, context mattered. This was an interlocutory application for recovery of documents; the context was at a procedural level. The documents required to be recovered and gone through to see whether they would be admissible into the Tribunal proceedings. He referred to Narden Services Ltd v Inverness Retail and Business Park Ltd[37]and Nasse v Science Research Council[38] in support of that proposition. The lex fori applied and there were extensive protections available within it. Further, if applying the test of closest connection, that was the UK. The substantive issue was in Tribunal proceedings in Scotland, the parties were domiciled here, and the interviews had taken place in the UK. If he was wrong and US law applied, he accepted that Professor Fairfax’s advice had to be followed, there being no contradictor. He suggested that he had not, however, dealt with this particular case or with implied waiver but he later recognised that that was not correct; Professor Fairfax did deal with waiver and it was to the effect that it did not help; even if there was waiver, a party could not be compelled to produce the privileged documents to a third party. I also, in passing, note that the issue addressed by Professor Fairfax contains a factual hypothesis which fits the circumstances of the present case.
47. As to the issue of privilege under Scots law, Mr Saluja did not accept that it applied because he was not, he submitted, trying to recover legal advice. Notes of a meeting relating to issues of fact were not covered by privilege where the meeting was between a lawyer and a person who was not his client. He submitted that, by analogy, the decision of the Court of Appeal in Three Rivers District Council and Others v Governor and Company of the Bank of England[39] assisted his argument in that it was stressed that privilege only applied to communications between a client and his legal advisers, to documents evidencing such communications and to documents that were intended to be such communications. He also referred to McSporran and Young: Commission and Diligence at paragraph 5.15 and McPhail, Sheriff Court Practice at paragraph 15.54. The communication had been between the Claimant and Fulbright. Interaction between Fulbright and Mr Jacobson would not, accordingly, be privileged.
49. As to waiver, Mr Saluja submitted that two questions arose namely whether or not the person using the material had been deploying or using it as opposed to merely making reference to it; if the former, then waiver had occurred. Secondly, it was necessary to consider whether fairness indicated that the material should be disclosed and for the reasons to which he had already referred, in this case, it did. Relying on Wylie, Mr Saluja submitted that the circumstances showed that Mr Jacobson must have had the Fulbright documents and his statement did not provide a full account of matters. He also relied on the case of Brendan and on Dunlop Slazenger International Ltd v Joe Bloggs Sports Ltd[40]. A fair reading of Mr Jacobson’s report showed that privilege had been waived. It was more than a matter of a passing reference. Fairness required full disclosure.
Discussion and decision
52. In these circumstances, can an Employment Tribunal in Scotland order a person in Great Britain – the Respondent, a subsidiary of WIL – to produce those documents? I am not persuaded that it is competent for it to do so. The Tribunal is a creature of statute and its powers are limited to those conferred on it by statute. The relevant statutory provision is rule 10(1)[41] which empowers an Employment Judge to make such orders as he thinks fit including one of those listed in paragraph 10(2). Rule 10(2) states that an Employment Judge may, at a hearing, issue an order:
“Requiring any person in Great Britain to disclose documents or information to a party to allow a party to inspect such material as might be ordered by …(in Scotland) a sheriff.”
55. The Ordinary Cause Rules of the Sheriff Court, unlike their predecessor (1983) do not expressly confer power on the sheriff to order the recovery of documents but there is no doubt that it is within the power of the sheriff to do so; indeed, the power of the court to order recovery of documents has its roots in rules that were formulated in the seventeenth century[42]. Hence the reference in rule 21.1, which deals with a party’s duty to lodge documents founded on by him in his pleadings, to that provision being “…without prejudice to any power of the sheriff to order the production of any document...” [43]. The sheriff cannot, however, order the production of documents outwith Scotland. The procedure set out in the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975 (which applies to both court and tribunal proceedings) is available where the documents are in another part of the UK. Where the documents sought to be recovered are, however, outwith the UK, the Ordinary Cause Rules of the Sheriff Court provide for a letter of request procedure [44]. Accordingly, if an application was made to the sheriff for recovery of documents situated in the US, the sheriff could, if satisfied as to their relevancy, issue a letter of request to the relevant court in the US, asking that that court order their production. It would not, however, be open to him to order their recovery. No party would be at risk of sanction by the sheriff in the event of non-production of the documents.
61. I turn to the remaining submissions in support of the appeal.
Choice of Law
Privilege: Legal Professional Privilege - Scots Law
Litigation Privilege – Scots Law
Information Order
[1] Letter from Fulbright dated 30 August 2010.
[2]Affidavit of Glenn M Jones, attorney, dated 30 August 2010.
[3] See the quotation in paragraph 15 above.
[4] Rule 10(2)(d)
[5] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 94.
[6] Employment Tribunal judgment paragraph 101.
[7] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 106.
[8] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 107.
[9] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraphs 111 and 112.
[10] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 113.
[11] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 114.
[12] At paragraph 10.2.5.
[13] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 114.
[14] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 120.
[15] Employment Tribunal Judgment paragraph 123.
[16] EAT/236/01
[17] Copy included in the appeal bundle at p.128.
[18] 449 U.S. 383, at 394-7(1981
[19] At paragraph 6 -43.
[20] [1985] 1WLR 331 per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton at p.338.
[21] [1978] AC 547 per Lord Diplock at p. 637.
[22] [2005] 4 AER 948.
[23] 1882 9R 901.
[24] 1986 SLT 452.
[25] [1970] AC 583.
[26] At pages 603,605 and 606.
[27] 1839 9S 213.
[28] 1909 1 SLT 2 at p.5.
[29] 1983 SLT 483, at p.485.
[30] 1896 SLT 121
[31] 1990 SLT 512
[32] 1994 SCLR 209.
[33] 1967 SLT (N) 9
[34] 2003 SLT 256
[36] UKEAT/0574/05/LA.
[37] 2008 SC 335.
[39] (No 5) [2003] QB 1556.
[40] [2003] WL 213.
[41] See the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2004 Sch 1.
[42] See e.g.: Paton, 1668, M. 3963.
[43] Rule 21.1(2))
[44] Rule 28.14.