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Northern Irish Legislation

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Legal proceedings and application of fees and penalties.

8.(1) All offences under this Act may be prosecuted, and all penalties, costs,
or expenses imposed or recoverable under this Act may be recovered in a
summary manner, and a summons in respect of any such offence may be served
upon the person to whom it is directed in any part of the United Kingdom.

(2) Section eighty-nine (which relates to the powers of officers) and section
ninety-six (which relates to the jurisdiction of magistrates of maritime
counties) of the Fisheries (Ireland) Act, 1842, shall apply, with the
necessary modifications, for the purposes of this Act.

(3) All licence fees, penalties, and moneys paid or recovered under this Act
shall, notwithstanding any provision in any other Act, be paid to the
fishery authority, and shall be applied by that authority for the purposes of
sea fisheries as defined by the
Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act, 1899, or any Act amending
that Act.

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