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Northern Irish Legislation

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7.(1) The fishery authority may make byelaws for all or any of the following
purposes, that is to say:

(a)Prohibiting the use of any engine or implement in the pursuit, capture, or
towing of whales, or any method of whaling which is in the opinion of that
authority injurious to fisheries;

(b)Regulating the methods of manufacturing oil or other products from whales
and the disposal of refuse;

(2) By any byelaw made under this section the fishery authority may impose a
fine for the breach of any such byelaw not exceeding ten pounds for any one
offence and may direct the forfeiture or destruction of any engine or
implement used or attempted to be used in contravention of any such byelaw,
and every rope, line, tackle, warp, iron and other thing attached to or used
with such engine or implement.

(3) Any engine, implement, rope, line, tackle, warp, iron or other thing which
is under any such byelaw liable to be forfeited or destroyed may be seized by
any duly authorised officer of the fishery authority or any officer appointed
by the fishery authority for the purposes of the
Fisheries (Ireland) Act, 1842, and shall when seized be dealt with in the
manner provided by section one hundred and three of the said Act, and for the
purpose of such seizure any such officer may go on board any vessel engaged in

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