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Northern Irish Legislation

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No interment in any grave without leaving two feet six inches clear of soil above the coffin.

105. If any such nuisance, or the cause of any such injurious effects as
aforesaid, be not discontinued or remedied within such time as shall be
ordered by the said justices, the person by or on whose behalf the business
causing such nuisance is carried on shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding
five pounds for every day during which such nuisance shall be continued or
unremedied after the expiration of such time as aforesaid: Provided always,
that when any person who thinks himself aggrieved by any such order shall,
according to the provisions of this or the special Act, appeal against any
such order, such person shall not be liable to discontinue or remedy the
nuisance or cause of the injurious effects mentioned therein, or to pay any
penalty, until after the expiration of five days after the determination of
such appeal and the confirmation of such order, unless such appeal cease to be

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