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Northern Irish Legislation

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Houses to be whitewashed and purified, and drains, &c. amended on certificate of an officer of health, &c.

104. If any candle-house, melting-house, melting-place, or soap-house, or any
slaughter-house, or any building or place for boiling offal or blood, or for
boiling or crushing bones, or any pigstye, necessary house, dunghill, manure
heap, or any manufactory, building, or place of business, within the limits of
the special Act, be at any time certified to the commissioners by the
inspector of nuisances or officer of health, or, if for the time being there
be no inspector of nuisances or officer of health, by any two surgeons or
physicians, or one surgeon and one physician, to be a nuisance or injurious to
the health of the inhabitants, the commissioners shall direct complaint to be
made before two justices; and any justice may summon before any two justices
the person by or on whose behalf the work complained of is carried on, and
such justices shall inquire into such complaint, and they may, by an order in
writing under their hands, order such person to discontinue or remedy the
nuisance within such time as to them shall appear expedient: Provided always,
that if it appear to such justices that in carrying on any business complained
of the best means then known to be available for mitigating the nuisance or
the injurious effects of such business have not been adopted, they may suspend
their final determination, upon condition that the person so complained
against shall undertake to adopt within a reasonable time such means as the
said justices shall judge to be practicable, and order to be carried into
effect, for mitigating or preventing the injurious effects of such business.

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