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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notice to be given by proprietors of hackney carriages of any change of abode.

82. No person shall act as driver of any hackney carriage licensed in
pursuance of this Act without first obtaining a licence from the [district
council], which licence shall be registered by ... the [district council], and
a fee of [5p] shall be paid for the same; and every such licence shall be in
force until the same is revoked, except during the time that the same may be
suspended as after mentioned; and if any person acts as such driver without
having obtained such licence, or during the time that his licence is
suspended, or if he lend or part with his licence, except to the proprietor of
the hackney carriage, or if the proprietor of any hackney carriage employ any
person as the driver thereof who has not obtained such licence, or during the
time that his licence is suspended as herein-after provided, every such driver
and every such proprietor shall for every such offence respectively be liable
to a penalty not exceeding [#1]; and the [district council] may, upon the
conviction for the second time of the proprietor or driver of any hackney
carriage for any offence under the provisions of this Act with respect to
hackney carriages, or any byelaw made in pursuance thereof, suspend or revoke,
as they deem right, the licence of any such proprietor or driver.

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