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Northern Irish Legislation

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Particulars to be specified in licences, and registration thereof.

81. So often as any person named in any such licence as the proprietor or one
of the proprietors changes his place of abode, he shall, within seven days
next after such change, give notice thereof in writing, signed by him, to the
[district council], specifying in such notice his new place of abode; and he
shall at the same time produce such licence [to the district council, to be
endorsed and a memorandum signed], specifying the particulars of such change;
and any person named in any such licence as the proprietor or one of the
proprietors of any hackney carriage, who changes his place of abode, and
neglects or wilfully omits to give notice of such change, or to produce such
licence in order that such memorandum as aforesaid may be endorsed thereon, as
directed by this Act, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding [#2].

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