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Return as to cattlemen brought to the United Kingdom.

77.(1) The master of every ship which carries any cattlemen to any port in the
United Kingdom from any port out of the United Kingdom shall furnish to such
person and in such manner as the Secretary of State directs a return giving
such particulars with respect to any cattlemen so carried as may be required
for the time being by order of the Secretary of State, and every such
cattleman shall furnish the master of the ship with any information required
by him for the purpose of the return.

(2) If the master of a ship fails to make the return required by this section,
or makes a false return, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding [fifty pounds], and if any cattleman refuses to give information
required by the master for the purpose of the return under this section, or
gives any false information for the purpose, he shall be liable on summary
conviction to [such a fine].

(3) For the purpose of this section the expression "cattleman" means any
person who is engaged or employed to attend during the voyage of the ship on
any cattle carried therein as cargo.

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