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Northern Irish Legislation

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27.(1) At any time before the final payment under a hire-purchase agreement or
conditional sale agreement falls due, the hirer or buyer shall (subject to
subsection (2)) be entitled to terminate the agreement by giving notice of
termination in writing to any person entitled or authorised to receive the
sums payable under the agreement.

(2) In the case of a conditional sale agreement, where the property in the
goods, having become vested in the buyer, is transferred to a person who does
not become the buyer under the agreement, the buyer shall not thereafter be
entitled to terminate the agreement under this section.

(3) Subject to subsection (2), where a buyer under a
conditional sale agreement terminates the agreement under this section after
the property in the goods has become vested in him, the property in the goods
shall thereupon vest in the person (in this subsection referred to as "the
previous owner") in whom it was vested immediately before it became vested in
the buyer so, however, that if the previous owner has died, or any other event
has occurred whereby that property, if vested in him immediately before that
event, would thereupon have vested in some other person, the property shall be
treated as having devolved as if it had been vested in the previous owner
immediately before his death or immediately before that event, as the case may

(4) Nothing in this section shall prejudice any right of a hirer or buyer to
terminate a hire-purchase agreement or conditional sale agreement otherwise
than by virtue of this section.

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