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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> HIRE-PURCHASE ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Owner or seller to supply information and copy to hirer or buyer.

22.(1) A contract of guarantee relating to a hire-purchase agreement, a
credit-sale agreement or a conditional sale agreement, and any security given
by a guarantor in respect of money payable under such a contract, shall
(subject to the following provisions of this section) not be enforceable
unless, within seven days of the making of the contract of guarantee or the
making of the hire-purchase agreement, credit-sale agreement or
conditional sale agreement, whichever is the later, there is delivered or sent
to the guarantor

(a)a copy of the hire-purchase agreement, credit-sale agreement or
conditional sale agreement, and

(b)a copy of a note or memorandum of the contract of guarantee, being a note
or memorandum signed by the guarantor or by a person authorised by him to sign
it on his behalf.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), such a contract of guarantee, and any such
security, shall also not be enforceable unless

(a)each copy delivered or sent as mentioned in subsection (1), and

(b)the note or memorandum of the contract of guarantee,

(3) If in any action the court is satisfied that a failure to comply with any
requirement imposed by subsection (1), or with any such requirement as is
mentioned in subsection (2), has not prejudiced the guarantor, and that it
would be just and equitable to dispense with that requirement, the court may,
subject to any conditions that it thinks fit to impose, dispense with that
requirement for the purposes of the action.

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