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1954 c.33

10.(1) Subject to the following provisions of this section, if in any action
the court is satisfied that a failure to comply with any of the requirements
specified in sections 6 to 9 has not prejudiced the hirer or buyer, and that
it would be just and equitable to dispense with the requirement, the court
may, subject to any conditions that it thinks fit to impose, dispense with
that requirement for the purposes of the action.

(2) The power conferred by subsection (1) shall not be exercisable in relation
to the requirement specified in section 9(3) except where the second statutory
copy has been sent to the hirer or buyer but not within the period of seven
days of the making of the agreement.

(3) The power conferred by subsection (1) shall not be exercisable in relation
to the requirement imposed by section 9(4).

(4) For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that in subsection (1)
the reference to the requirements specified in sections 6 to 9 includes the
requirements of any regulations made under section 32, in so far as any such
requirements relate to hire-purchase agreements, credit-sale agreements and
conditional sale agreements, or to copies delivered or sent as mentioned in
section 8 or section 9.

Power of court to dispense with requirements of sections 6 to 9.

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