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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> HIRE-PURCHASE ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Enforcement conditional on compliance with specified requirements.

6.(1) The requirements of this section, in relation to an agreement, are that,
before the agreement is made,

(a)the cash price of the goods has been clearly stated in writing to the hirer
or buyer by the owner or seller, otherwise than in the document which, on
being signed as mentioned in section 5(1)(a), constitutes the agreement, or

(b)if the hirer or buyer has inspected the goods or like goods, then, at the
time of his inspection, tickets or labels were attached to or displayed with
the goods clearly stating the cash price, either of the goods as a whole or of
all the different articles or sets of articles comprised therein, or

(c)the hirer or buyer has selected the goods by reference to a catalogue,
price list or advertisement which clearly stated the cash price, either of the
goods as a whole or of all the different articles or sets of articles
comprised therein.

(2) In this Part "cash price", in relation to any goods, means the price at
which the goods may be purchased by the hirer or buyer for cash.

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