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Northern Irish Legislation

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Ship detained may be sold under warrant of a justice, by a constable without an auctioneer's licence.

6. In case any ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel, goods, wares,
merchandizes, or commodities so detained as aforesaid shall not be claimed by
or on behalf of the owner or owners thereof, or in case the costs and expences
aforesaid shall not be paid as aforesaid, within twenty-one days after the
said ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel shall be detained as aforesaid, it
shall and may be lawful to and for any one of His Majesty's justices of the
peace, within his jurisdiction, and he is hereby required, on information on
oath made before him that such ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel, goods,
wares, merchandizes, and commodities have been seized and detained as
aforesaid, and not claimed within the time aforesaid, by warrant under his
hand and seal directed to some high or petty constable of the said county, to
order and require the said constable to sell the said ship, boat, lighter,
barge, or vessel, goods, wares, merchandizes, and commodities, by public cant
or auction, to the highest and best bidder for the same (which said sale the
said constable is hereby licensed, authorized, required, and empowered to
make, without obtaining any licence as an auctioneer); and the said constable
shall out of the produce of such sale pay the aforesaid costs and expences to
the said collector of tolls of the said directors; and shall pay over the
residue of the said produce, after deducting the expences of such notices and
sale, to the owner and owners of the said ship, boat, lighter, barge, or
vessel, goods, wares, merchandizes, or commodities; or in case such owner or
owners shall not be known to the said constable, then to pay over the said
residue to the said justice of the peace for the use of such owner or owners.

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