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Northern Irish Legislation

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Statement of case and other provisions regarding determination of disputes.

67.(1) Where no decision is made on a dispute within 40 days after application
to the registered society or branch in question for a reference under its
rules then, subject to subsection (2), any person, society or branch such as
is mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (e) of section 64(1) who is a party to the
dispute may apply to the county court or to a court of summary jurisdiction,
and the court to which application is so made may hear and determine the
matter under dispute.

(2) In the case of a society with branches, the period of 40 days referred to
in subsection (1) shall not begin to run until application has been made in
succession to all the bodies entitled to determine the dispute under the rules
of the society or branch, but the rules of the society or branch shall not
require a greater delay than three months between each successive
determination of a dispute by the bodies entitled under the rules to determine
the dispute.

(3) In this section, "dispute" means a dispute falling within section 64.

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