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1963 c.28

12.(1) Where under section 11(1) the Authority requires means of escape in
case of fire to be provided, the Authority shall serve (after inspection of
the building, of which inspection reasonable notice shall have been given) on
any person appearing to the Authority to be an owner of the building or any
person to whom the building is let at a rack rent a notice requiring him
within a reasonable time to be specified in the notice to provide such means
of escape and the notice shall specify the nature of the works to be executed.

(2) A notice served under subsection (1) shall inform the person served of his
right to make representations under subsection (3) and of his right of appeal
under section 13.

(3) A person on whom a notice is served under subsection (1) may within a
period of thirty days from the day on which the notice is served on him make
representations to the Authority regarding the requirements specified therein
and the Authority shall

(a)consider those representations;

(b)hold, if the Authority thinks necessary, a hearing at which the person
making the representations shall be entitled to appear and be heard;

(c)confirm, amend or rescind the notice;

(d)send notification, by registered post or by post by means of the recorded
delivery service, of the decision of the Authority to the person making the
representations and, where the Authority amends the notice served under
subsection (1), shall send an amended notice with the notification; and

(e)where the Authority confirms or amends the notice served under subsection
(1), inform the person making the representations of his right of appeal under
section 13.

(4) The Authority may and, if so requested in writing by the person making the
representations at the time at which the representations are made, shall
delegate to a committee, constituted in accordance with Schedule 2, the
functions conferred on the Authority by subsection (3)(a), (b) and (c).

(5) Requirements of the Authority which were suspended by subsection (3) of
section 5 of the Fire Services (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 shall
be deemed to be requirements contained in a notice served under section 12(1)
of this Act on the date on which that suspension ceased by virtue of the said
section 5.

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