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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FACTORIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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56.(1) There shall be provided and maintained at suitable points conveniently
accessible to all persons employed an adequate supply of wholesome
drinking water from a public main or from some other source approved in
writing by the district council.

(2) A supply of drinking water which is not laid on shall be contained in
suitable vessels, and shall be renewed at least daily, and all practicable
steps shall be taken to preserve the water and vessels from contamination; and
a drinking water supply (whether laid on or not) shall, in such cases as the
chief inspector may direct, be clearly marked "Drinking Water".

(3) Except where the water is delivered in an upward jet from which employed
persons can conveniently drink, one or more suitable cups or drinking vessels
shall be provided at each point of supply with facilities for rinsing them in
drinking water.

(4) The approval required under subsection (1) shall not be withheld except on
the ground that the water is not wholesome.

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