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Means of escape in case of fire factories to which section 41 applies.

45. Section 41 applies to every factory

(a)in which more than twenty persons are employed; or

(b)which was being constructed or converted for use as a factory at the date
of the passing of the Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1938 (that is to say
the 24th November 1938) or was constructed or so converted after that date,
and in which more than ten persons are employed in the same building on any
floor above the ground floor of the building; or

(c)of which the construction was completed before the said date and in which
more than ten persons are employed in the same building above the first floor
of the building or more than twenty feet above the ground level; or

(d)in or under which explosive or highly inflammable materials are stored or

Means of escape in case of fire regulations and byelaws.

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