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Cranes and other lifting machines.

28.(1) All parts and working gear, whether fixed or movable, including the
anchoring and fixing appliances, of every lifting machine shall be of good
construction, sound material, adequate strength and free from patent defect,
and shall be properly maintained.

(2) All such parts and gear shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person
at least once in every period of fourteen months and a register shall be kept
containing the prescribed particulars of every such examination; and where the
examination shows that the lifting machine cannot continue to be used with
safety unless certain repairs are carried out immediately or within a
specified time, the person making the report of the examination shall within
twenty-eight days of the completion of the examination send a copy of the
report to the chief inspector.

(3) All rails on which a travelling crane moves and every track on which the
carriage of a transporter or runway moves shall be of proper size and adequate
strength and have an even running surface; and any such rails or track shall
be properly laid, adequately supported or suspended and properly maintained.

(4) There shall be plainly marked on every lifting machine its safe working
load or loads, except that in the case of a jib crane so constructed that the
safe working load may be varied by the raising or lowering of the jib, there
shall be attached thereto either an automatic indicator of safe working loads
or a table indicating the safe working loads at corresponding inclinations of
the jib or corresponding radii of the load.

(5) A lifting machine shall not, except for the purpose of a test, be loaded
beyond the safe working load as marked or indicated under subsection (4).

(6) A lifting maching shall not be taken into use in any factory for the first
time in that factory unless it has been tested and all such parts and working
gear of the machine as are specified in subsection (1) have been thoroughly
examined by a competent person and a certificate of the test and examination
specifying the safe working load or loads of the machine and signed by the
person making the test and examination has been obtained and is kept available
for inspection.

(7) If any person is employed or working on or near the wheel-track of an
overhead travelling crane in any place where he would be liable to be struck
by the crane, effective measures shall be taken by warning the driver of the
crane or otherwise to ensure that the crane does not approach within twenty
feet of that place.

(8) If any person is employed or working otherwise than mentioned in
subsection (7) but in a place above floor level where he would be liable to be
struck by an overhead travelling crane, or by any load carried by such a
crane, effective measures shall be taken to warn him of the approach of the
crane, unless his work is so connected with or dependent on the movements of
the crane as to make a warning unnecessary.

(9) In this section "lifting machine" means a crane, crab, winch, teagle,
pulley block, gin wheel, transporter or runway.

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