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Power of inspector to require certificate of fitness for work.

117. Where an inspector is of opinion that the employment of a young person in
a factory or in a particular process or kind of work in a factory is
prejudicial to his health or the health of other persons, the Ministry may
serve written notice on the occupier of the factory informing him thereof and
requiring that the employment of that young person in the factory or in the
process or kind of work, as the case may be, be discontinued after the period
named in the notice (which shall not be less than one nor more than seven days
after the service of the notice) and the occupier shall not continue after
that period to employ the young person ... unless the appointed factory doctor
[or an employment medical adviser] has, after the service of the notice,
personally examined the young person and certified that he is fit for
employment in the factory or in the process or kind of work, as the case may

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