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115.(1) Where the Ministry is satisfied, on an application made to
the Ministry in that behalf, that it is desirable in the public interest to do
so for the purpose of maintaining or increasing the efficiency of industry,
the Ministry may, after such consultations as the Ministry may think
appropriate or as may be required under subsection (4), exempt the employment
of persons of or over the age of sixteen from any of the following provisions,
except in so far as they relate to mines and quarries, that is to say,

(a)the foregoing provisions of this Part except sections 85 and 94;

(b)subsection (3) of section one of the
Employment of Women, Young Persons, and Children Act 1920; and

(c)the Hours of Employment (Conventions) Act 1936.

(2) An exemption under this section extending only to particular persons or a
particular employment or to a class of persons or employment defined by
reference to particular premises or to work supervised from particular
premises, and any exemption under this section for a particular day or
particular days only, shall be granted by order, to be known as a special
exemption order, and any other exemption under this section shall be granted
by special regulations, to be known as general exemption regulations.

(3) An exemption granted by a special exemption order shall not be for more
than one year, without prejudice however to the granting of the like exemption
for further periods by further special exemption orders.

(4) The Ministry shall not make general exemption regulations except

(a)on the application of a joint industrial council, conciliation board or
other similar body constituted by organisations which appear to the Ministry
to be representative respectively of workers and employers concerned; or

(b)on the application of a wages council; or

(c)on the joint application of an organisation which appears to the Ministry
to be representative of employers concerned and of an organisation which
appears to the Ministry to be representative of workers concerned; or

(d)on the application of an organisation which appears to the Ministry to be
representative of employers concerned and after consulting an organisation
which appears to the Ministry to be representative of workers concerned; or

(e)on the application of an organisation which appears to the Ministry to be
representative of workers concerned and after consulting an organisation which
appears to the Ministry to be representative of employers concerned.

(5) The Ministry shall publish in the Belfast Gazette such particulars of
special exemption orders as the Ministry considers appropriate.

S.116 rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18; 1978 NI 9 art.56(2) sch.7

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