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Northern Irish Legislation

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11.(1) In Schedule 1 to the Stamp Act 1891, the heading "Conveyance or
Transfer whether on sale or otherwise" (which relates to Canadian and colonial
stock) shall be omitted, and any transfer of stock to which that heading
applied shall be chargeable with stamp duty under the heading appropriate to a
like transfer of other stock.

(2) The rate of stamp duty chargeable under or by reference to the heading
"Conveyance or Transfer on sale" in the said Schedule in respect of a transfer
of commonwealth government stock [shall be 10p for every #20 or part of #20 of
the consideration if the amount or value thereof does not exceed #300 and, in
any other case, 50p for every #100 or part of #100 of the consideration.]

Subs.(3) amends s.83 of 1891 c.39; subs.(4) rep. by SLR 1973

(5) In this section "commonwealth government stock" means stock or marketable
securities issued by the government of any country or territory within the
commonwealth outside the United Kingdom, ....

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