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Northern Irish Legislation

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Making false entries in copies of registers of baptisms, marriages, or burials, directed to be sent to any registrar, or destroying or concealing copies of registers.

37. Whosoever shall knowingly and wilfully insert or cause or permit to be
inserted in any copy of any register directed or required by law to be
transmitted to any registrar or other officer any false entry of any matter
relating to any baptism, marriage, or burial ..., or shall knowingly and
wilfully sign or verify any copy of any register so directed or required to be
transmitted as aforesaid, which copy shall be false in any part thereof,
knowing the same to be false, or shall unlawfully destroy, deface, or injure,
or shall for any fraudulent purpose take from its place of deposit, or
conceal, any such copy of any register, shall be guilty of felony, and being
convicted thereof shall be liable ... to be kept in penal servitude for life

Ss.3841 rep. by 1913 c.27 (3 & 4 Geo.5) s.20 sch. Pt.I. Ss.42, 43 rep. by 1945
c.16 (NI) s.9(3) sch.2

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