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Northern Irish Legislation

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Destroying, injuring, forging, or falsifying registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials, or certified copies.

36. Whosoever shall unlawfully destroy, deface, or injure, or cause or permit
to be destroyed, defaced, or injured, any register of births, baptisms,
marriages, deaths, or burials which now is or hereafter shall be by law
authorized or required to be kept in England or Ireland, or any part of any
such register, or any certified copy of any such register, or any part thereof
..., or shall knowingly and unlawfully insert or cause or permit to be
inserted in any such register, or in any certified copy thereof, any false
entry of any matter relating to any birth, baptism, marriage, death, or
burial, or shall knowingly and unlawfully give any false certificate relating
to any birth, baptism, marriage, death, or burial, or shall certify any
writing to be a copy or extract from any such register, knowing such writing
or the part of such register whereof such copy or extract shall be so given,
to be false in any material particular ..., or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
or put off any such register, entry, certified copy, certificate ... knowing
the same to be false ..., or shall offer, utter, dispose of, or put off any
copy of any entry in any such register, knowing such entry to be false ...,
shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable ... to
be kept in penal servitude for life ....

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