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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> EXCHEQUER AND FINANCIAL PROVISIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1950

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5.(1) For the purposes of this Act the expression "capital purposes of the
Exchequer" includes

(a)the repayment of the principal of any moneys borrowed by the Ministry on
the security of the Consolidated Fund (including the setting aside of sums to
any fund created under or by virtue of section eighteen of this Act for such

(b)any issue for investment by virtue of section nineteen of this Act;

(c)the discharge pursuant to section seven of this Act of any capital deficit
in the Exechequer;

(d)any issue to the Reserve Fund made under or by virtue of paragraph (b) of
sub-section (2) of section twenty-one of this Act;

(e)any other purpose (including capital expenditure or the making of any loan
or advance) for which the Ministry has power under any enactment (whether
passed before or after this Act, and including this Act) other than an
enactment contained in an Act passed for the purpose of authorising sums to be
issued towards making good the supply granted to His Majesty for the service
of any financial year, to issue sums out of the Consolidated Fund, and to
borrow money for the purpose (including the setting aside of sums to the funds
created under section twenty-five ... of this Act).

(2) The Ministry may temporarily apply for capital purposes during any
financial year, any surplus of the public income received in the Exchequer in
that year over public expenditure met or to be met from the Exchequer.

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