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Capital receipts in the Exchequer.

4. For the purposes of this Act or of any other enactment the expression
"capital receipts in the Exchequer" includes all moneys received into the

(a)from borrowings made (whether before or after the passing of this Act) by
the Ministry on the security of the Consolidated Fund;

(b)in respect of the declared surplus for any financial year;

(c)in or towards repayment whether from moneys provided by Parliament or
otherwise of the principal of loans or advances issued out of the Consolidated
Fund, other than loans or advances issued as part of the public expenditure
for any year;

(d)from the realisation of any investments made under section nineteen of
this Act, or from any fund created by virtue of that section;

(e)in or towards repayment of sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in
fulfilment of guarantees given by the Ministry under any enactment;

Para.(f) rep. by 1978 NI 11 art.14 sch.3 Pt.I

(g)from the Reserve Fund, by virtue of paragraph (c) of sub-section (1) of
section twenty-one of this Act;

(h)from any fund created under or by virtue of section eighteen of this Act
for the repayment of moneys borrowed by the Ministry;

(i)from moneys provided by Parliament for the purpose of the repayment of sums
issued from the Consolidated Fund to the funds created by section twenty-five
... of this Act; and

(j)which, by virtue of this paragraph are, in cases of doubt, determined by
the Ministry, before the end of the financial year in which they are received
in the Exchequer, to be of the nature of capital receipts in the Exchequer;

Capital purposes of the Exchequer.

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