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Northern Irish Legislation

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163.(1) If, from any report made under section 162 or from any information or
document obtained under Article 107 or 108 of the Companies (Northern Ireland)
Order 1978 it appears to the Department that any civil proceedings ought in
the public interest to be brought by any body corporate, the Department may
itself bring such proceedings in the name and on behalf of the body corporate

(2) The Department shall indemnify the body corporate against any costs or
expenses incurred by it in or in connection with any proceedings brought by
virtue of sub-section (1).

(3) If, in the case of any body corporate liable to be wound up under
this Act, it appears to the Department from any report made under section 162
or from any information or document obtained under Article 107 or 108 of the
Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 that it is expedient in the public
interest that the body should be wound up, the Department may, unless the body
is already being wound up by the court, present a petition for it to be so
wound up if the court thinks it just and equitable for it to be so wound up.

(4) If, in the case of any such body corporate as is mentioned in sub-section
(3), it appears to the Department from any report made or information or
document obtained as aforesaid that its business is being conducted, or that
the powers of its directors are being exercised, in a manner oppressive to any
part of its members, the Department may (in addition to, or instead of,
presenting a petition under sub-section (3)) present a petition for an order
under section 201.][

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