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Northern Irish Legislation

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Inspectors' report.

162.(1) The inspectors may, and, if so directed by the Ministry, shall, make
interim reports to the Ministry, and on the conclusion of the investigation
shall make a final report to the Ministry.

Any such report shall be written or printed, as the Ministry directs.

[(1A) The inspectors may, at any time in the course of the investigation,
without the necessity of making an interim report, inform the Department of
matters coming to their knowledge as a result of the investigation tending to
show that an offence has been committed.]

(2) The Ministry shall

(a)forward a copy of any report made by the inspectors to the registered
office of the company;

(b)if the Ministry thinks fit, furnish a copy thereof on request and on
payment of the prescribed fee to any other person who is a member of
the company or of any other body corporate dealt with in the report by virtue
of section one hundred and sixty or whose interests as a creditor of
the company or of any such other body corporate as aforesaid appear to
the Ministry to be affected;

(c)where the inspectors are appointed under section one hundred and
fifty-eight, furnish, at the request of the applicants for the investigation,
a copy to them; and

(d)where the inspectors are appointed under section one hundred and fifty-nine
in pursuance of an order of the court, furnish a copy to the court;

Proceedings on inspectors' report.


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