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Northern Irish Legislation

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Interim continuation of tenancies pending determination by the Lands Tribunal.

9.(1) In any case where

(a)a notice to determine a tenancy has been served under section 4 or a
request for a new tenancy made under section 5; and

(b)an application to the Lands Tribunal has been made under section 8; and

(c)but for this section the effect of that notice or request would be to
terminate the tenancy before the expiration of the period of three months
beginning with the date on which the application is finally disposed of;

(2) The reference in subsection (1)(c) to the date on which an application is
finally disposed of shall be construed as a reference to the earliest date by
which the proceedings on the application (including any proceedings on or in
consequence of an appeal) have been determined and any time for appealing or
further appealing has expired, except that if the application is withdrawn or
any appeal is abandoned the reference shall be construed as a reference to the
date of the withdrawal or abandonment.

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