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Time for the service of claims for compensation for improvements.

31.(1) The time for the service of a claim for compensation for improvements
under section 30(2) shall be as follows, that is to say:

(a)where a tenancy is terminated by notice served by the tenant or by the
immediate landlord under and in accordance with the terms (whether express or
implied) of that tenancy, or by a notice given by any person under Part I, the
said time shall be a time falling within the period of three months beginning
on the date on which the notice is served; but where a tenancy is terminated
by a tenant's request for a new tenancy under section 5 the said time shall be
a time falling within the period of three months beginning on the date on
which the landlord serves notice, or (if he has not served such a notice) the
latest date on which he could have served notice, under section 5(6);

(b)where a tenancy is terminated by forfeiture or re-entry, the said time
shall be a time falling within the period of three months beginning with the
effective date of the order of a court of competent jurisdiction for the
recovery of possession of the premises comprised in the tenancy or, if the
tenancy is terminated by re-entry without such an order, the period of three
months beginning with the date of the re-entry.

(2) In subsection (1)(b) the reference to the effective date of an order is a
reference to the date on which the order is to take effect according to the
terms thereof or the date on which it ceases to be subject to appeal,
whichever is the later.

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