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Special resolutions.

70.(1) If a member of a building society applies in writing to the society,
and gives notice of his intention to move a special resolution at a meeting of
the society, it shall be the duty of the society to include in the notice of
the meeting a notice specifying the intention to move that resolution as a
special resolution at the meeting.

(2) If the applicant does not specify the meeting at which he intends to move
the resolution, or if he specifies a meeting which will be held fifty-six days
or less after the receipt of the notice by the building society, the society
shall act on the footing that he intends to move the special resolution at the
first meeting of the society held more than fifty-six days after the date of
the application.

(3) If a building society fails to comply with an application duly made under
this section, the society, and every officer of the society who is in default,
shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred

(4) In this section "special resolution" means a resolution which will not be
effective unless it is passed as a special resolution.

Notices of meetings to include notices of members' special resolutions.

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