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Northern Irish Legislation

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1980 NI 4

76. If any creditor of a bankrupt or arranging debtor shall obtain or accept
any sum of money, or any goods, chattels, or security for money, from a
bankrupt or arranging debtor, or from any person, as an inducement for
forbearing to oppose or for consenting to the [allowance of the certificate of
the bankrupt] [bankrupt's discharge from bankruptcy], or for agreeing to
accept any offer of composition made by the bankrupt or his friends, or for
assenting to the proposal of the arranging debtor or any modification thereof,
every such creditor so offending shall lose for every such offence the treble
value of amount of such money, goods, or chattels, or security so obtained or
accepted by him, and the same shall be recoverable by the assignees or
trustees of the bankruptcy, or by the assignees ... of the arranging debtor,
by proceedings in the Court in the prescribed manner, and when recovered shall
be deemed part of the estate and effects of the bankrupt or arranging debtor,
and shall be divided among the creditors in the bankruptcy or arrangement in
proportion to the amount of their debts, notwithstanding that the composition
shall have been accepted or the proposal of the arranging debtor assented to;
and in the event of there being any surplus after paying in full the debts of
the creditors [, with interest as provided by Article 25 of the Bankruptcy
Amendment (Northern Ireland) Order 1980,] and the costs and expenses, the same
shall be paid into [the "unclaimed dividend account,"] [the Insolvency
Account] and the bankrupt or arranging debtor shall not be entitled thereto.[

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