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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1872

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Control of Department of Commerce over trustee.

118. Every trustee of a bankrupt shall from time to time, as may be
prescribed, and not less than once in every year during the bankruptcy,
transmit to such officer a statement showing the proceedings in such
bankruptcy up to the date of the statement containing the prescribed
particulars, and made out in the prescribed form; and any trustee failing to
transmit accounts in compliance with this section shall be deemed guilty of a
contempt of Court, and be punishable accordingly.][118. The Department shall
take cognizance of the conduct of the trustee and, if he does not faithfully
perform his duties and duly observe all the requirements imposed on him by any
statutory provision or otherwise with respect to the performance of his duties
or if any complaint is made to the Department by any creditor in regard
thereto, the Department shall inquire into the matter and take such action
thereon as the Department may think expedient.][

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