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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1872

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Payments by trustee into Insolvency Account or authorised account.

104. The trustee shall pay all sums from time to time received by him into
such bank as the majority of the creditors in number and value at any general
meeting shall appoint, and failing such appointment into the Bank of Ireland;
and if he at any time keep in his hands any sum exceeding fifty pounds for
more than ten days, he shall be subject to the following liabilities; that is
to say

(1)He shall pay interest at the rate of twenty pounds per centum per annum on
the excess of such sum above fifty pounds as he may retain in his hands:

(2)Unless he can prove to the satisfaction of the Court that his reason for
retaining the money was sufficient, he shall, on the application of any
creditor, be dismissed from his office by the Court, and shall have no claim
for remuneration, and be liable to any expenses to which the creditors may be
put by or in consequence of his dismissal.][

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