[2007] NISSCSC C7_07_08(DLA) (1 August 2007)
Decision No: C7/07-08 (DLA)
Error of law
Inadequate reasons
"Appellant has limited function right sided limbs, and limited speech. He is at risk of falls and requires to be accompanied out of doors… We are not, however, satisfied that Appellant is virtually unable to walk. He uses a stick, has been attending the gym and walked from the car today. We believe he could walk with impaired, [sic] speed, gait and manner, with a stick for 50 yards."
"Too much weight tends to be put on the distance a person can walk when that is but one of four criteria."
"17. 'Severe discomfort' is the statutory phrase. But its application to the circumstances of a claimant's case is an issue of fact, provided the tribunal's judgement is rationally exercised having regard to the evidence and is thereafter adequately explained.
22. All the aspects of a claimant's walking are to be considered which result from physical disablement and an evaluation of its quality is then made. This is on the basis that firstly, walking achieved only with severe discomfort is discounted and secondly, that a tribunal must pay appropriate regard to manner, speed, distance and time. This exercise is carried out with the purpose of determining whether, taken overall, the claimant's walking out of doors is properly described as 'virtually unable to walk'."
(signed): L T Parker
NI Deputy Commissioner
1 August 2007