Decision No: C6/06-07(IS)
"As and from May 2005, [the claimant] left her nursing course at Queen's University. [The claimant] was due to recommence the course, with bursary, on 12 September 2005. Unfortunately she was forced to withdraw again due to continuing health problems.
It is my understanding that [the claimant] remains certified unfit for work and whilst she has stated a desire to return to her nursing course, this cannot now happen until March 2006. At that time it will be [the claimant's] responsibility to reapply for entry to the March 2006 intake. This may or may not be successful, subject to entrance conditions and the state of [the claimant's] health. [The claimant] is not at present and has not been for the last seven months a student at Queen's University and does not belong to any nursing course."
"In deciding an appeal under this Article, an appeal tribunal –
(b) shall not take into account any circumstances not obtaining at the time when the decision appealed against was made"
"[The claimant] was due to recommence the course, with bursary, on 12 September 2005."
It also appears to have ignored the earlier letter of 29 June 2005 to similar effect.
(Signed): M F Brown
28 November 2006