[2006] NISSCSC C3_06_07(IB) (23 October 2006)
Decision No: C3/06-07(IB)
Error of law
Inadequate reasons
"… my daily depression and anxiety I feel so bad and down that I get sueicidal [sic] I am attending a CPN …"
"We adopt the report of the Medical Officer […] as findings of fact.
Appellant by his own account can walk at least 800 metres unaccompanied and use stairs with a banister rail. He suffers stiffness when standing and probably needs to move around. 4(f) applies. Sometimes he could not rise from armless chair.
Appellant over estimates some of his disabilities. We accept that mental health descriptors 15(e), 17(f) and 18(b) apply.
In total Appellant scored 10 points. Descriptors 4(f), 5(c), 15(e), 17(f) and 18(b) apply. X-rays of back: No abnormality. May be some wear and tear. Advised to exercise ankle. Not seeing Community Psychiatric Nurse. He is not incapable of work in accordance with the Personal Capability Assessment."
(signed): T Parker
Deputy Commissioner
17 October 2006