[2002] NISSCSC A8/01-02(DLA) (23 April 2002)
Application No: A8/01-02(DLA)
"An application to a Commissioner for leave to appeal against the decision of an appeal tribunal may be made only [my underlining] where the applicant has sought to obtain leave from the Chairman and leave has been refused or the application has been rejected."
"Any irregularity resulting from failure to comply with the requirements of these Regulations shall not by itself invalidate any proceedings, and the Commissioner, before reaching his decision, may waive the irregularity or take steps to remedy it."
"The claimant and such other person as may be prescribed."
The claimant had not made such application and the Social Security and Child Support (Decisions and Appeals) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 make no provisions for any other persons than those set out in Article 15(3) to have appeal rights. None of the other categories of Article 15(3) relate to the claimant's father. The claimant's father therefore had no locus to apply to the Tribunal Chairman. Regulation 9(1) of the Commissioners Procedure Regulations refers to an applicant rather than to the claimant and there is no definition of applicant. However Regulation 9 (1) makes it clear that an application can be made to a Commissioner only where leave has been refused by the Chairman (and that did not happen here as the Chairman ruled that there was no valid application to her) or the application has been rejected. As regards this last requirement, I do not consider it was fulfilled. Unfortunately the phrase used in the form given to the Chairman is that the application has been rejected. However what the chairman was actually ruling in this case was that no application had been made. No-one with any locus to apply had done so. That being so the application could not be rejected as it had not been made.
23 April 2002