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[1999] NISSCSC C37/99(DLA) (12 May 2000)
Decision No: C37/99(DLA)
"... We are dealing here with housing accommodation paid forout of or subsidised by public funds, and we are seeking a
construction for the phrase "living in a private dwelling"
which will give a sensible meaning to it in this context.
We agree with the contention that the term in the present
context is intended to distinguish the accommodation from
that in which the domestic care of the residents is provided
as part of their terms of residence - for example, in a nursing
home where the claimant is not himself paying the charges - in
which event to pay disability living allowance to him would
involve double benefit. One must therefore look for
characteristics of the accommodation which distinguish it from
that in which care is included. We agree with the approach of
the Commissioner in the paragraphs which we have quoted from
her decision. It is not a question to be answered solely by
examining the terms of the resident's tenure of his
accommodation. One has to have regard to factors of the type
set out by the Commissioner, with the object of determining
whether the accommodation should be regarded as institutional
accommodation in which care is provided or a private dwelling
in which care is not provided as part of the terms of the
occupation. ..."
"In this case, however, I am of the view that the tribunal'sconclusion was correct. There are various factors which have
to be considered in deciding whether or not a property is
occupied as a private dwelling and no one can be conclusive.
The following list is by no means conclusive but I do think that
these are factors which usually fall for consideration. The
factors are: the claimant's control over his own access and
egress from the premises, the extent of control over the
admission of other persons to the premises, whether and to what
extent persons are engaged whether for payment or voluntarily to
spend time at the premises, the degree of independence which the
occupants of the premises have in relation to the activities and
routines carried on there."
(Signed): M F Brown
12 May 2000