[1998] NISSCSC C49/98(IB) (14 April 1999)
Decision No: C49/98(IB)
""It is not possible to lay down a general rule for recordingfindings and reasons since that depends on the nature of the
evidence and the case before them. I have already stated that
a tribunal is not expected to record a reasoned judgement such
as might be expected of a court. So long as their findings of
fact relevant to their decision are clear as also their reasons
for leading them to their conclusion, that is compliance with
the regulations. Findings and reasons need not be lengthy:
indeed brevity clearly indicating them is often to be
preferred to a lengthy and possibly ambiguous record.""
And at paragraph 19:-
"It cannot be over emphasised however that the requirements ofadequate reasoning are that a person reading the decision should
understand why it was made (not necessarily agree with it). The
application of that standard to each case will usually be very
dependent on the evidence and what took place at the hearing
and the requirement for adequate reasons cannot be read in a
vacuum divorced from these matters. The application of the
standard of adequate reasoning will thus usually be very
dependent on the circumstances of each particular case."
(Signed): M F Brown
14 April 1999