[1997] NISSCSC C15/97(DLA) (14 May 1997)
Decision No: C15/97(DLA)
"The Tribunal erred in law by making an award of disabilityliving allowance on 3 January 1997 from 4 February 1997. This
is because -
1. the award is an advance award not falling within regulation13A and 13C of the claims and payments regulations.
2. the tribunal made a finding consistent with the claimant
satisfying the condition in S72(1)(a) of the Social Security
Contributions and Benefits (NI) Act 1992 (ie virtually
unable to walk) from April 1996 but decided that entitlement
to the mobility component did not commence until
4 February 1997."
(Signed): C C G McNally
14 May 1997