[1996] NISSCSC A13/96(DLA) (17 May 1996)
"1. The 1992 Act distinguishes by kind, not degree, of disablement:-S.73.1.(a) 'either/or'.
2. The Act fails to define terms constructing the DLA; the
appellant offers constructive definitions.
3. The Act is interpreted so as unreasonably to restrict the
'meals test' by failing to include 'preliminary arrangements'.
4. The decision does not apply recent case law (Stocks;
Halliday; Halliday) in S.73.1.(d) of the Act; social
deprivation, 'normal social life', etc.
5. The hearing did not provide full medical records of the
appellant's condition, and partially constructed the
evidence from reports, so breaching the rules of justice
as not 'seen to be the case'. It did not comply with
assurances by the DLA administration that errors/omissions
in claim forms would be rectified in Tribunal proceedings
and so not prejudice outcomes."
(Signed): R R Chambers
17 May 1996