S.I. No. 493/2002 -- Registration of Births (Amendment) Regulations 2002
Registration of Births (Amendment) Regulations 2002 |
Dublin |
Published by the Stationery Office |
Registration of Births (Amendment) Regulations 2002 |
The Minister for Health and Children, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 11 of the Registration of Births and Deaths (Ireland) Act 1863 and Section 34 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Ireland) 1880, as adapted by Section 11 of the Adaption of Enactments Act 1922, ( No. 2 of 1922 ) and as amended by Section 16 of the Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2002 hereby makes the following regulations:- 1. These Regulations may be cited as the |
Registration of Births (Amendment) Regulations 2002. 2. In these Regulations “the Act of 1880” means the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Ireland) 1880. 3. The Registration of Births Regulations, 1988, ( S.I. No. 123 of 1988 ) is hereby amended by the substitution for regulation 7 of the following regulation: |
“7. (1) The registrar of the district in which the birth took place, on receiving the written authority of an tArd Chláraitheoir to re-register the birth under section 7a of the Act of 1880, as so substitituted, shall, in the presence of the person or persons at whose request the re-registration is being effected, enter the birth in the birth register in the manner and form set out in these regulations and the person or persons at whose request the birth is being re-registered shall sign the register at column 8 of the entry in the presence of the registrar. |
(2) The registrar shall enter in the birth register the particulars, specified in sub-article(3), as stated in the written authority of an tArd Chláraitheoir, specified in sub-paragraph (1). |
(3) The particulars which shall be entered in the birth register shall comprise of the following:- |
date and place of birth, |
sex of child, |
forename(s) and surname of child, |
mother's forename and surname, address and occupation, |
any former surname(s) of mother, |
father's forename and surname, address and occupation, |
any former surname(s) of father, |
(4) The registrar shall enter in the birth register:- |
(a) after the signature of the person or persons at whose request the re-registration is being effected, the qualification and address of each of such person, and |
(b) the date on which the entry is made (the day and month being written in words) followed by the words “on the Authority of an tArd Chláraitheoir”. |
(5) The surname of the child to be re-registered shall be:- |
(a) that which has been so registered, or |
(b) subject to section 1(4) of the Registration of Births Act 1996 the surname jointly requested by the mother and father of the child |
(6) The registrar shall sign the birth register and shall append to his or her signature his or her official description.” 4. The Registration of Birth Regulations, 1988, ( S.I. No. 123 of 1988 ) is hereby amended by the substitution for the Schedule of the following Schedule: |
PART 1 To the Registrar of Births |
I ............................................................ ............................................................ .................... |
of address)............................................................ ............................................................ ..... |
having the usual occupation of............................................................ ..................................... |
being the mother of: |
forename(s) of child............................................................ .................................................... |
surname of child............................................................ .......................................................... |
of the..........................................sex born on the....................................day of....................... |
at............................................................ ............................................................ ................... |
do hereby state that (father's name)............................................................ ............................. |
of (address)............................................................ ............................................................ .... |
having the usual occupation of............................................................ .................................... |
is the father of the said child. |
former surname(s) (if any) of father............................................................ ...................... |
former surname(s) (if any) of mother............................................................ .................... |
contact telephone No. ............................................................ ........................................ |
Signature............................................................ ............................................................ |
Date............................................................ ............................................................ ....... |
Signature of Witness............................................................ ........................................... |
Occupation of Witness............................................................ ....................................... |
Address of Witness............................................................ ............................................ |
PART II To the Registrar of Births |
I ............................................................ ............................................................ ................. |
of address)............................................................ ......................................................... |
having the usual occupation of............................................................ ................................... |
do hereby acknowledge that I am the father of: |
forename(s) of child............................................................ .................................................. |
surname of child............................................................ ................................................... |
of the........................sex born on the.....................................day of....................................... |
at............................................................ ............................................................ ................... |
to (mother's name)............................................................ .................................. |
of (address)............................................................ ...................................................... |
having the usual occupation of............................................................ .................................... |
former surname(s) (if any) of father............................................................ .............. |
former surname(s) (if any) of mother............................................................ ............. |
contact telephone No. ............................................................ ................................ |
Signature............................................................ ....................................................... |
Date............................................................ ............................................................ .. |
Signature of Witness............................................................ ....................................... |
Occupation of Witness............................................................ ................................... |
Address of Witness............................................................ ........................................ |
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.) |
Part 6 of the Schedule to the section 1 of the Registration of Births Act, 1996 to allow for a change of surname, where jointly agreed by the parents, of children whose births are being re-registered under the Registration of Births and Deaths Acts, 1863 to 1996 or S.I. No. 123 of 1988 ) and for the updating of the forms set out in Parts I and II of the Schedule to these regulations. |